Using Project EDDIE modules in Earth Science
Adriana E. Perez, El Paso Community CollegeAbout this Course

Earth Science
EDDIE Module Developed
Working with real life data can be a a very rewarding activity for students. It gives them the opportunity to have a hands-on experience and therefore is more likely to enhance their learning experience.
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Relationship of EDDIE Module(s) to my Course
Students worked on a one-week project over the spring and summer semesters after they had covered all other general geological topics in class. The module was used as a group end of term project.
Teaching Details
What key suggestions would you give to a colleague before they used the activity in their teaching?
It would be useful to introduce some aspects of the atmosphere, cloud formation, and concept mapping earlier in the semester to get them comfortable with implementing them in the module.
How did you address challenges in teaching with the module?
It is a large database and my students were online. I had to be precise in my instructions for them to be able to do the project. In the classroom, I would have allowed for more ambiguity to promote exploration.
Student Outcomes
The module promotes organizational skills and provides a space for students to support each other.
It allowed students to become familiar with large databases and filter out information that was necessary from ancillary or background data.