Initial Publication Date: August 2, 2023

Using Project EDDIE modules in GEOL 103 - Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Jess Domino, Alfred University

About this Course

GEOL 103 - Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Lecture and Lab

Introductory Undergraduate


students in the course

EDDIE Module(s) Adopted and/or Adapted

Climate Change Module

My course focused on the earth processes that create earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. To give students a full view of Earth processes, we ended the course talking about climate change. Students were eager to learn more about climate change and after two lab sessions, they were able to discuss their findings and make predictions about future temperature trends.

Jump to: Course Context | Teaching Details | How It Went | Future Use

Relationship of EDDIE Module(s) to my Course

As an introductory course designed for non-majors, I wanted to incorporate climate change into the curriculum since this is likely the only science course they will take. The last two weeks of the course were devoted to climate change lectures and lab exercises after having gone through plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes earlier in the semester. Before using this module, students worked on a lab that incorporated volcanic eruption and global temperature data (included here as Lab 9). This allowed them to transition from thinking about deep Earth processes to atmospheric changes and also acted as a primer to graph creation before the climate change lab. Building off of volcanic eruptions causing global temperature changes for short periods of time and going into long term global temperature changes in the climate change module worked really well with students and I will do it like this in the future.

Teaching Details

I incorporated this module as a lab exercise. Since the lab period was only one hour, I only assigned parts A and B for students to complete.

Adaption Materials

Volcanic Eruptions and Climate (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 12kB May25 22)

Volcanic Eruption and Climate Data (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 33kB May25 22)

Climate Change Assignment (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 15kB May25 22)

Climate Change Data (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 200kB May25 22)

How did the activity go?

Overall, the module went well and students were able to draw the correct conclusions. The biggest challenge for students was using Excel/Google Sheets to create the graphs necessary for answering questions. We worked on very similar graphs the week prior (Volcanoes and Climate), which helped them with understanding the data for this module better.

The students were able to visualize and discuss amongst their lab groups about how there is a direct relationship between CO2 in the atmosphere and global average temperature. They struggled the most with generating graphs, but once they were able to do it, they understood the trends.

Future Use

This instructor story and adaption materials were developed during a Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network in partnership with QUBES in the Spring of 2022.

Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network logo

I will be using this activity again. Next time, I may include a map that shows where the data was collected and ask them to discuss the benefits and limitations of where and how we collect global data.