EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN)

Over the course of the project, Project EDDIE partnered with QUBES (Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis) to offer the Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). The FMN brought together faculty interested in teaching scientific concepts and quantitative reasoning using environmental data-driven inquiry by using EDDIE modules that embed these concepts.

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During the FMN, each participant adapted an existing EDDIE Module for implementation into their course and specific classroom environment. Implementation planning and execution was supported through participants engaging in bi-weekly virtual discussions to collaborate and support others in the network and receive mentoring. Discussion topics included the Project EDDIE philosophy, teaching with data and open-inquiry, math anxiety, assessment, inclusive pedagogies, strategies for implementing an EDDIE module. New topics organically emerged with each group and become future topics for later discussions.

Participants left the FMN with modules available for implementation in multiple classroom settings, access to a network of peers, and an instructor story to share their adaptation and experience implementing an EDDIE module. Participants that completed the FMN also received a letter of recognition for their work that could be sent directly to their institution for inclusion in their professional portfolios.

FMN Related Products


Check out the webinars to hear from a past FMN mentor about what you need to know when Using EDDIE modules for the first time.

Instructor Stories

Do you want to hear about EDDIE modules in the field? Read the reports from past FMN participants in their Instructor Stories, where they discuss their experiences adapting a module for their class and share their resources with the community!

Mentor Stories

Learn from mentors who have led FMNs on what their experience was leading other educators.

Past FMNs

Spring 2022

The Spring 2022 EDDIE FMN focused on sustainability themed modules. This includes: Climate Change, Sustainability Metrics, Hypoxia and Coastal Marine Ecosystems, Green Infrastructure/Green Roofs, Prairie Eco Services, and Stream Discharge Module.  Team leads for the spring 2022 FMN were: Sarah Cadieux, RPI (cadies@rpi.edu )& Elizabeth Farrell SUNY Nassau Community College; CUNY Queens College (Elizabeth.Farrell@ncc.edu).

Fall 2021

The Fall 2021 EDDIE FMN focused on participants implementing one of the new EDDIE Modules developed by EDDIE community members like you. Participants  discussed and shared strategies for utilizing EDDIE modules and for teaching quantitative reasoning and scientific concepts with open-inquiry and data. If you have any questions about this FMN cohort, please contact the EDDIE FMN Mentor, Andrew Haveles (andrew.haveles@uwrf.edu).

Spring 2021

The Spring 2021 FMN focused on participants implementing one of the new EDDIE Modules developed by your colleagues that are a part of the EDDIE community. The virtual platform of the FMN allowed for global participation and participants come with varying backgrounds in biology, geoscience, environmental science, and other related fields. The Spring 2021 EDDIE FMN had the additional challenge of implementing their adapted modules in many different modes of delivery and general learning environments. This diversity lead to fantastic conversations about effective teaching practices in different scenarios. Participants demonstrated the flexibility/adaptability of the EDDIE modules by implementing them in scenarios such as face-to-face, hybrid, online, synchronous, and asynchronous. There were 8 participants and Andrew Havales served as lead team mentor.

Spring 2020

The Spring 2020 EDIE FMN was the second installment and was led by Melissa Hage, a previous EDDIE FMN alum and participant in the Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with Data Workshop. This was a great opportunity to see EDIE community members become more engaged with Project EDDIE and pass along their experiences and advice with their peers. The implementations focused on previously published modules from the Project EDDIE: Environmental Data and Project EDDIE: Macrosystems projects.

As with everything else in Spring 2020, the EDDIE FMN was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the pandemic occurred in the middle of the FMN was provided a network of peers and a mentor for the group to discuss how to pivot towards teaching in an online environment. Some participants had already implemented their module but continued to participate and provide feedback for others that now needed to adapt their module for the online space. The Spring 2020 FMN really illustrated the utility of having a peer network to rely on for feedback and ideas during the worst of times and the best of times.

Fall 2019

The inaugural Fall 2019 EDDIE FMN was in direct response to the EDDIE community indicating that they were looking for a support system to engage while they incorporated more teaching with data and scientific inquiry into their teaching. A collaboration with QUBES was created to develop an EDDIE FMN that would provide the peer and mentor support that would help instructors refine their pedagogy and develop adaptations of EDDIE modules. QUBES was a natural partner in this endeavor because of their long-standing record of successful Faculty Mentoring Networks for numerous grant-funded projects like InTeGrate. The first EDDIE FMN would focus on implementing previously published EDDIE modules and required a mentor with intimate knowledge of how the EDDIE module were developed and are utilized. Jen Klug was a mentor for the first FMN and was a natural choice because of her involvement with the original Project EDDIE: Environmental Data grant and authored some of the modules (Lake Mixing and Lake Ice Phenology).