Sept Webinars

Initial Publication Date: August 28, 2009

Wed., September 16:

2:00 - ­ 3:00 pm Module: Simulations (Betty Blecha, Module Coordinator)

Watch a recording of this webinar

3:15 - 4:15 pm Module: Interactive Demonstrations (Mark Maier, Module Coordinator)

Listen to this webinar's audio

Thurs., September 17:

2:15 - 3:15 pm Module: Undergraduate Research (Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore, Module Coordinator)

Watch a recording of this webinar

3:30 - 4:30 pm Module: Classroom Response Systems (Joe Calhoun, Module Coordinator)

Watch a recording of this webinar

Fri., September 18:

3:00 - 4:00 pm Module: Classroom Experiments (Sheryl Ball, Module Coordinator)

Listen to this webinar's audio

To participate you will need a phone and internet connection. Dial in to: 1.800.704.9804. Once connected, provide the access code: 89887611

Use *6 to mute and unmute your telephone line during the call (useful if someone has a lot of background noise
on their end). Unmute to talk, mute to listen.

We will be using Yugma to facilitate the computing aspects of our webinar. You will need to have access to an internet connection. Connect to the Yugma session by pointing your browser at:


  • All October 2009 workshop participants (module development coordinators, invited guests)
  • Each module development team has a dedicated webinar

Preparatory Homework

  • We will be using Yugma to facilitate the computing aspects of our webinar. You will need to have access to an internet connection. An email will be sent to ask you to participate in the online Yugma session on the date of your webinar. The email will include the web link to the session. You will need to do some installation of Yugma software the first time you use Yugma. A step-by-step guide to joining a Yugma meeting is available.
  • We encourage you to read through this very brief tutorial prior to the webinar. You can install Yugma Free on your computer at any time prior to the webinar or wait until you get the webinar invitation, which will contain a link that will initiate the process.


  • Overview of project
  • Role of module reviewers
  • Timeline of activities
    • September 25: Submit two examples of activities related to your pedagogic module. There will be time to work on improving your examples at the workshop. The goal of the activity submission is to facilitate your review of the module (see next bullet). We ask that you create an initial activity submission, and then consider if the combination of the material on the activity sheet and in the module is sufficient to support effective implementation of this method. The activity need not be in economics.
    • September 30: Submit a review of the pedagogic module you have been invited to assist in developing. The goal of this review is to identify components of the module that could be enhanced and provide guidance in that regard. This activity will help focus the limited workshop time on more complicated revisions while allowing module coordinators to make more basic editorial changes prior to the workshop. Additional details will be provided in the September webinar.

NOTE: Use the Module Review Form and Submit an Activity links at left (or below) to submit module reviews and instructional activities, respectively.

Next Steps

  • Review of module
  • Submission of module activities


Starting Point - Teaching Economics Developers' Manual
Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09)

Supporting Documentation for Developing SERC Pages
Developing Web Pages


Information regarding the Starting Point-Teaching Economics project, such as module coordinator responsibilities, module creation resources, schedules, and workshop-related details will be posted regularly on the Starting Point-Teaching Economics site. Check back regularly for updated information. See Starting Point-Teaching Economics Home Page