Initial Publication Date: June 17, 2009

June 24 2009 Webinar Information

Call starts at 11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

To participate you will need a phone and internet connection. Dial in to: 1.800.704.9804. Once connected, provide the access code: 89887611

Use *6 to mute and unmute your telephone line during the call (useful if someone has a lot of background noise
on their end). Unmute to talk, mute to listen.

Once again we will be using Yugma to facilitate the computing aspects of our webinar. You will need to have access to an internet connection. To connect to the Yugma session visit


  • Module development coordinators for October 2009 module development workshop

Preparatory Homework

  • You should be thinking about the components of your module. If you have not already done so, it is critical that you take some time and review the Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09).
  • Familiarity with Pedagogic Module components (listed below; they are described in the Module Developers' Handbook - also look at the examples on the Pedagogy in Action web site)
    • Module Introduction
    • Description of the Pedagogic Practice
    • Effectiveness in Promoting Student Learning
    • How to Implement the Pedagogic Practice
    • Discipline-Based Teaching Examples
    • References and Resources


  • Feedback on progress from module developers, constructed examples [KimMarie, Mark, Scott]
  • Understanding the CMS - An In-depth View [Sean]
  • Questions from module developers
  • Next Steps
    • Late June - July 31: Develop draft of module online
    • August 1: Draft of module complete for Mark, KimMarie, and Scott to review
    • August 15: Short bio and pictures due from workshop participants
    • Late August/early September: Webinar
      • Participants: Module Coordinators, Workshop Participants, Mark, Scott, KimMarie, Cathy, SERC Staff
      • Note: Each module will have a dedicated webinar
      • Setting expectations for workshop (preparation and participation)
    • September 8: Draft module complete for workshop participants to review
    • Oct 11 - 13, 2009 Module Development Workshop at SERC, Carleton College, Northfield, MN
    • Note: Workshop site will be live soon and will contain extensive information regarding each of the following
      • Overview and Program
      • Participants and Activities
      • Workshop Logistics, including Travel and Accommodations
      • Example Submission
      • For more details see Module Development Workshop Information associated with the workshop conducted in April


Starting Point - Teaching Economics Developers' Manual
Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09)

Supporting Documentation for Developing SERC Pages
Developing Web Pages


Information regarding the Starting Point-Teaching Economics project, such as module coordinator responsibilities, module creation resources, schedules, and workshop-related details will be posted regularly on the Starting Point-Teaching Economics site. Check back regularly for updated information. See Starting Point-Teaching Economics Home Page