January 22 2010 Webinar

Initial Publication Date: January 15, 2010

To participate you will need a phone and internet connection. Dial in to: 1.800.704.9804. Once connected, provide the access code: 89887611

Use *6 to mute and unmute your telephone line during the call (useful if someone has a lot of background noise
on their end). Unmute to talk, mute to listen.

We will be using Yugma [see Preparatory Homework below] to facilitate the computing aspects of our webinar. You will need to have access to an internet connection. Connect to the Yugma session by pointing your browser at: yugma.com/Viewer/viewersignup.php?SessionID=303406615.


  • Module development coordinators for April 2010 module development workshop

Preparatory Homework

  • Download the free webinar software, Yugma. We will be using this software for the webinar so it is important to take care of this ahead of time.
    • The link above takes you to the download site, which includes versions for macs and PCs.
    • Yugma is a web conferencing and collaboration software service that allows users to host or attend online meetings using Windows, Mac, or Linux computers.
    • Session ID for our session is 303406615.


  • Timeline of activities
    • January 1: SERC has provided you with a template for developing the online module, including password instructions for access to the "development" side of the SERC web site. Logging into your account at SERC will provide you access to this module (http://serc.carleton.edu/account/index.php). Sample modules, including applications in economics, are available for your examination at http://serc.carleton.edu/econ/index.html.
    • January 22: Module Coordinators Webinar to familiarize module coordinators with the SERC site and staff, discuss project expectations and timelines, introduce the Developers' Manual, etc. This will officially kick off the module development phase of the project.
    • January- February: Module Development period. Scott, Mark and KimMarie will be available for consultation along with the SERC staff. A SERC staff person will be assigned to your module to assist with web-related questions that you have.
    • February 15: Initial draft of module posted for review by Scott, Mark, and KimMarie. Comments will be provided by February 22 to ensure time for revisions to meet the March 15 deadline.
    • February 22: While Scott, Mark and KimMarie are reviewing module content, module coordinators will be developing and submitting 2 examples for their module. The submission form is available at http://serc.carleton.edu/econ/submit_activities.html
    • Week of February 22: Webinars, one for each module, including co-PIs, module coordinator and participants in April workshop for that module. The goal of these webinars is to introduce the module coordinator and team members, discuss goals for the workshop, and address any questions.
    • February: Logistics for the workshop will be distributed. At that time, we will have you make transportation reservations and complete workshop preparations, including arrangements for any special needs. Travel expenses related to the workshop will be covered by the grant. SERC staff will assist with workshop arrangements, including pickup at the airport, reservations at the hotel, and meals.
    • March 1: Short bio and pictures due from workshop participants
    • March 15: Modules must be ready for review by participants in last April's workshop, including "what," "why" and "how" pages and at least two samples activity. The invited workshop participants will prepare written reviews of the module during the next two weeks.
    • April 1: Reviews conducted by workshop participants will be provided to module coordinators. To the extent possible, editorial and structural changes to the module should be made by the module coordinator in advance of the workshop. Remaining content and conceptual changes should be identified for consideration at the workshop. Reviews will include 2 activity submissions by each workshop participant, which will ultimately be reviewed and edited at the workshop.
    • April 11-13, 2010: Module Development Workshop, Science Education Resource Center (SERC), Carleton College, Northfield, MN
      • Information site for module development workshop will be live soon and will contain information regarding each of the following:
        • Workshop Overview
        • Workshop Program
        • Participants and Activities
        • Workshop Logistics
        • Example Submission
    • Early summer (date to be determined): Final revision of modules completed based on consultation with project PIs, SERC staff, and reviews by other module coordinators.
    • Fall 2010 (date to determined): Modules will be made public.
  • Module components (from Module Developer's Manual)
    • Module Introduction
    • Description of the Pedagogic Practice
    • Effectiveness in Promoting Student Learning
    • How to Implement the Pedagogic Practice
    • Discipline-Based Teaching Examples
    • References and Resources
  • Next Steps
    • Contact workshop participants (Mark, KimMarie and Scott will initiate)
      • Set expectations (for economists and experts in other disciplines)
      • Request bio- official contact information, short description
      • Provide contact information of Module Coordinators
      • Coordinator subsequently contacts all participants associated with their module
    • Solicit examples for module
      • Provide project description, criteria for examples, and example created as described above
      • Submission form is available at http://serc.carleton.edu/econ/submit_activities.html
    • Draft module components


Starting Point - Teaching Economics Developers' Manual
Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09)

Supporting Documentation for Developing SERC Pages
Developing Web Pages


Information regarding the Starting Point-Teaching Economics project, such as module coordinator responsibilities, module creation resources, schedules, and workshop-related details will be posted regularly on the Starting Point-Teaching Economics site. Check back regularly for updated information. See Starting Point-Teaching Economics Home Page

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