Initial Publication Date: February 24, 2009

January 16 2009 Teleconference Information

Dial in to: 1.800.704.9804. Once connected, provide the access code: 89887611

Use *6 to mute and unmute your telephone line during the call (useful
if someone has a lot of background noise on their end). Unmute to talk, mute to listen.

Archive of 1/16/2009 teleconference: Jan 16 Call Recording (MP3 Audio 55.2MB Jan16 09)


  • All project participants (all module development coordinators, project evaluators)


  • Welcome - Scott
  • Project Overview - Scott and others
  • Introductions - Author Pages - KimMarie
  • Starting Point-Economics Developers' Manual [see Resources, below]- KimMarie
  • Workshop Model - Mark
  • Next Steps - Scott
    • Draft Author Page [Directions will be emailed to participants at the conclusion of the teleconference; see also Resources, below].
    • Read Manual / Review Chapters
    • April 2009 Module Development Workshop [at SERC, Carleton College, Northfield, MN]
      • webinar prior to April workshop for workshop participants
      • module deadlines and review schedule
      • travel logistics


Starting Point - Teaching Economics Developers' Manual
Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09)

Supporting Documentation for Developing SERC Pages
Developing Web Pages


Information regarding the Starting Point-Teaching Economics project, such as module coordinator responsibilities, module creation resources, schedules, and workshop-related details will be posted regularly on the Starting Point-Teaching Economics site. Check back regularly for updated information. See Starting Point-Teaching Economics Home Page