January 2010 Webinars

Initial Publication Date: January 7, 2010

Mon., January 11, 2010:

10:00 - ­ 11:00 am (EST)

Module: Classroom Response Systems - Joe Calhoun, Module Coordinator

Wed., January 13, 2010:

10:00 - 11:00 am (EST)

Module: Simulations - Betty Blecha, Module Coordinator

Fri., January 15, 2010:

10:00 - 11:00 am (EST)

Module: Undergraduate Research - Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore, Module Coordinator

Fri., January 22, 2010:

12:00 - 12:45 pm (EST)

Module: Classroom Experiments - Sheryl Ball, Module Coordinator

To participate you will need a phone and internet connection. Dial in to: 1.800.704.9804. Once connected, provide the access code: 89887611

Use *6 to mute and unmute your telephone line during the call (useful if someone has a lot of background noise
on their end). Unmute to talk, mute to listen.

We will be using Yugma to facilitate the computing aspects of our webinar. You will need to have access to an internet connection. Connect to the Yugma session by pointing your browser at: yugma.com/Viewer/viewersignup.php?SessionID=303406615


  • Module Development Coordinators - Second Wave (October 2009 module development workshop)


  • Review progress on module development since October 2009 module development workshop.
  • Provide recommendations for final reviews of module (content review and technical review)


  • Welcome
  • Review of module progress / suggestions for enhancement of module prior to final reviews


  • February 1: modules ready for review by PIs and SERC staff
  • Feb 1 - Feb 14: review by PIs, module coordinators associated with wave 1,SERC staff
  • Feb 15 - Feb 28: revision by module coordinators
  • March 1 - March 7: final technical review check by SERC staff
  • March 7 - March 14: final revisions
  • March 15, 2010: Go-live date for Classroom Experiment, Classroom Response System, and Simulation modules (in time for Midwest Economic Association meetings)
  • March 15: Contact authors of Student Research module for feedback and signoff
  • April 1: Student research and ILD modules live