Initial Publication Date: June 5, 2009

June 10, 2009 Webinar Information

Call starts at 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

To participate you will need a phone and internet connection. Dial in to: 1.800.704.9804. Once connected, provide the access code: 89887611

Use *6 to mute and unmute your telephone line during the call (useful if someone has a lot of background noise on their end). Unmute to talk, mute to listen.

We will be using Yugma webinar software to share screenshots of the Starting Point web site during the webinar. You will need to have access to an internet connection. Connect to the Yugma session by pointing your browser to:


  • Module development coordinators for October 2009 module development workshop

Preparatory Homework

    • This link takes you to the download site, including versions for Macs and PCs.
    • Yugma provides free web conferencing software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. It is a secure, easy-to-use, feature-rich, web conferencing and collaboration software service that allows users to host or attend online meetings using Windows, Mac, or Linux computers.


1. Timeline of activities

    • June 10 - June 17: Develop a Teaching Example associated with your pedagogical practice. See "Developing and Submitting Your First Teaching Example" below for more details.
    • Late June: Webinar (Time to be determined)
      • Participants: Module Coordinators, Mark, Scott, KimMarie, Cathy, SERC Staff
      • Answering content and format related questions
      • Introduction to putting the module online- using the CMS to develop your module on the SERC site
    • Late June - July 31: Develop draft of module online
    • August 1: Draft of module complete for Mark, KimMarie, and Scott to review
    • August 15: Short bio and pictures due from workshop participants
    • Late August/early September: Webinar
      • Participants: Module Coordinators, Workshop Participants, Mark, Scott, KimMarie, Cathy, SERC Staff
        • Note: Each module will have a dedicated webinar
      • Setting expectations for workshop (preparation and participation)
    • September 8: Draft module complete for workshop participants to review
    • Oct 11 - 13, 2009 Module Development Workshop at SERC, Carleton College, Northfield, MN
      • Note: Workshop site will be live soon and will contain extensive information regarding each of the following:
        • Overview and Program
        • Participants and Activities
        • Workshop Logistics, including Travel and Accommodations
        • Example Submission
        • For more details see Module Development Workshop Information associated with the workshop conducted in April

2. A Tour of the Starting Point-Teaching Economics Development Site: Demonstrating Module Components

    • Module Introduction
    • Description of the Pedagogic Practice (What is...)
    • Effectiveness in Promoting Student Learning (Why use...)
    • How to Implement the Pedagogic Practice (How to...)
    • Discipline-Based Teaching Examples
    • References and Resources

3. FYI: Next Steps by Project PIs

    • Finalizing workshop participants (Mark, KimMarie and Scott are in the process of contacting)
      • Set expectations (for economists and experts in other disciplines)
      • Request bio- official contact information, short description
      • Provide contact information of Module Coordinators
      • Coordinator subsequently contacts all participants associated with their module
    • Solicit additional examples for module from workshop participants
      • Provide project description, criteria for examples, and example created as described above
      • Submission form is available

Developing and Submitting Your First Teaching Example

  • The Pedagogies in Action site has over 700 such examples (referred to as 'activities') in their Library Collection, categorized by subject or pedagogical practice. Note that each Teaching Example has a specific format and organization that includes the following components: Summary, Learning Goals, Context for Use, Description and Teaching Materials, Teaching Notes and Tips, Assessment, and References and Resources.
  • Recall that an example was provided in the module developer's manual.
  • Your task in preparation for the late June webinar is to develop a draft Teaching Example for your module based on the criteria provided in the manual. Please note that we anticipate that a version of this activity will eventually be posted as one of the examples that populate the module so you are taking the first step towards developing your module. Please send us a copy of your Teaching Example no later than noon EDT on June 17.
  • Looking ahead-Example submission: Eventually you (and others submitting examples for your module) will use an online Submission form to ensure completeness and consistency across examples. For now, however, simply develop your Teaching Example as a Word document. Later, you can cut and paste into a version of this form that we will develop for our Starting Point Teaching Economics site.


Starting Point - Teaching Economics Developers' Manual
Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09)

Supporting Documentation for Developing SERC Pages
Developing Web Pages

Contact Information

Mark Maier
KimMarie McGoldrick
Scott Simkins