Initial Publication Date: July 15, 2024

Hi participants,

We hope you are enjoying the Rendezvous so far! I am writing with details about the Tuesday fMRI Lab Tour you had signed up for when registering for the Rendezvous. The TUBRIC lab tour is scheduled for 12-12:45.

We ask that you meet at 11:35 at the registration desk in the SERC building to walk over as a group.

The lab is located in the basement of Weiss Hall (walking directions from the SERC building here). There is a separate entrance for TUBRIC.

Note: Please let a SERC staff person know if you have a pacemaker, as we will want to make sure to alert lab staff for safety reasons. No one will be entering the MRI room itself, but those with pacemakers will also be asked not to enter the MRI control room during the tour (but will be able to do the rest of the tour).

Thank you!