Thank you for attending the 2024 Earth Educators' Rendezvous!
Thank you for attending the 10th annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous! What a tremendous week of learning, sharing, networking, and collaborating! We hope you made new connections, strengthened old ones, and are leaving Philadelphia with ideas and inspiration for teaching, research, and building community.
A hearty thank you to our Temple University hosts Alix Davatzes, Tim Shipley, and Minh Nguyen for their hard work making this year's Rendezvous a success!
We hope to see you in 2026! Sign up to receive email notifications about the 2026 Rendezvous - we will update you with dates and a location as soon as they are confirmed.
Host EER Sponsor EER Exhibit at EER

End of Event Survey
Please provide feedback on your experience at this year's Rendezvous by completing our End of Event Evaluation Survey. Your input is valuable to us as we make plans for the 2026 Rendezvous.
Rendezvous Exhibitors and Sponsors
We would like to extend a final, sincere thank you to the exhibitors at this year's Rendezvous: EarthScope Consortium, Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Science Interactive, and StraboSpot. We hope you had a chance to meet them!

Share Your Art
Do you have a piece of art you'd like to share? Take a photo and share it with the community! We will compile all the contributions on a web page that highlights the eARTh theme. If you have more than one piece of art to share, please fill out the form again for each piece.
CEU Credit Opportunity
Interested in receiving Continuing Education Unit credit(s) for participation at the Rendezvous? Complete the end of workshop evaluations and attendance sign-in sheets. Send your request to NAGT's Executive Office at - please include the names of the workshop(s) you attended.
Join NAGT and SERC at GSA and AGU
Looking for more opportunities to share your Earth education teaching and research? Join NAGT and SERC at sponsored sessions and events at the GSA and AGU fall meetings:
Your Membership Makes EER Possible
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is supported by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Your NAGT membership helps to ensure that this event can continue to serve Earth science educators. Renew your membership, become a member, or make a donation to support the next iteration of the Rendezvous.
2024 Attendee Geographic Distribution