Equipment Loans to Support Teaching Geophysics in the Field in Undergraduate Courses

Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm
Poster Session Part of Friday Poster Session


Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Justin Sweet, EarthScope Consortium
Akram Mostafanejad, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Andrew Parsekian, University of Wyoming
Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
Interested to teach with geophysics instrumentation but need better access to equipment and supporting resources?
A variety of geophysics field instruments available for loan for undergraduate teaching purposes through the NSF-funded GETSI (GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues) and IGUaNA (Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-Surface Applications) projects. These instruments include: real-time kinematic GPS, structure from motion supplies, ground penetrating radar, and multichannel shallow seismic systems. Community partners can also loan gravimeters and electrical resistivity meters. To support teaching with these resources, six field-related undergraduate-level teaching modules have been developed by. The modules all feature the application of geophysical data and techniques to societally-relevant, real-world problems – aimed to attract a diverse range of students into the geosciences. The resources include manuals for using instruments and prepared data sets for courses that cannot do the data collection themselves. These NSF-funded modules are available online for free and the equipment loans only include the cost of shipping (waivers are available).