
Pre-workshop assignment

  • Please read three articles in advance of the workshop. We know that you are busy people; these are the only readings that we ask you to prepare to make the workshop meaningful and maximize your learning. All PDFs can be found on Google Scholar.
    • Feig, A. D. (2011). Methodology and location in the context of qualitative data and theoretical frameworks in geoscience education research.Geological Society of America Special Papers474, 1-10.Feig.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 173kB Jun1 23)
    • Gammelgaard, B. (2017). The qualitative case study. The International Journal of Logistics Management28(4), 910-913.Gammelgaard.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 104kB Jun1 23)
    • Fairclough, N. (2013). Critical discourse analysis. In The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis (pp. 9-20). Routledge.Fairclough.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 186kB Jun1 23)
  • Please come along with a research question(s) or project that you would want to work on throughout the workshop as case examples.

PowerPoint Slides: EER Qualitative Case Studies PowerPoint Slides.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.6MB Jul14 23)



8:45–9:15 Qualitative Case Study Research Overview and Decision Making

Key Questions:

  • What is qualitative case study research (Learning outcome 1 & 2)
    • Qualitative research
    • Case study 
    • Theoretical background 
      • What is a case boundary?
      • What can be a case?
    • What are the two types of case study research?
      • Single case - benefits and when to use it (appropriate research purpose/questions), limitations 
      • Multiple case - benefits and when to use it (appropriate research purpose/questions), limitations

9:15- 10:15 Exercise–Decision Making in Qualitative Case Study Research

Key Questions

  • What decision would you make regarding your own research that you brought to this workshop? Will you still choose a case study?
  • What is your case? Why this case?
  • Would this be a single case or multiple case?
  • What are possible case boundaries?

10:15- 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:00 Data collection strategies for case study (Learning outcome 3)

Key Questions

  • What are the strategies for collecting case study evidence?
    • Interviews 
    • Direct observations
    • Participant observation
    • Artifacts 
    • Archival records 

11:00 - 11:15 End of day discussion in teams

11:15 – 11:30 Evaluation of Day 1


Case Studies in Science Education (for reference)

Bowman, S. and Srandford, A. (2010). Educational larp in the middle school classroom: a mixed method case study. International Journal of Role Playing, 5.

Gustafason, J. (2017). Single case studies vs. multiple case studies: a comparative study.

Do students develop teamwork skills during geoscience fieldwork A case study of a hydrogeology field course.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Jul14 23)

Schabel, et al. (2022). A multiple case study to understand how students use science and engineering practices. Frontiers in Education, 7.

Schram, A. (2014). A mixed methods content analysis of the research literature in science education.International Journal of Science Education , 15.

Wieckzorek, A. (2020). Gender diversity in academic sector - case study. Administration Science, 10(3). 



8:30-9:00 Introduction to Discourse Analysis

Key Questions

  • What is Discourse Analysis (Learning outcome 4 & 5)?
  • Theoretical backgrounds 
  • Analytical backgrounds
  • Why conduct discourse analysis?
  • Unit of analysis in discourse 
  • What are the three approaches to discourse analysis (Learning Outcome 6)?
    • Grammar approach - affordances and limitations 
    • Functional approach - affordances and limitations
    • Social approach - affordances and limitations

9:00-10:00 Case Exercise–Decision Making in Qualitative Discourse Analysis

Key Questions

  • What decision would you make regarding your own research that you brought to this workshop? Will you still choose discourse analysis as your analytical technique?  
  • What are your research questions? 
  • What material is/are appropriate to answer the research question(s)?

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-10:30 Criteria for Judging the Quality of Case Study and Discourse Analysis Designs

Key Questions

  • What are the main strategies for assessing the 
    • Validity and reliability of case study 
    • Validity and reliability of discourse analysis 

10:30-11:15 Exercise - Decision Making in Qualitative Case Study and Discourse Analysis Coding Scheme.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 13kB Jul14 23)Intercoder reliability exercise.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 15kB Jul14 23)

  • How would you validate your case study?
  • How would you ensure that your case study is reliable?
  • How would you validate your discourse analysis?
  • How would you ensure that your discourse analysis is reliable?

11:15-11:30 Evaluation of Workshop for NAGT

Thank you for attending this workshop. It has been a pleasure learning with you all.


Discourse Analyses in Science Education (for reference)

Cafarella, J., O'Connor, McWilliams, J. (2016). The work of normative case studies in the Next Generation Science Standards. In Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education. 2016 ASEE Conference and Exposition, New Orleans.

California Classroom Science, 2019.

Dahl, T. and Flottum, K. (n.d.). Climate change as a corporate strategies issue: A discourse analysis of three climate reports from the energy sector. White paper.

Hoeg, D. and Bencze, J. (2017). Values underpinning STEM education in the USA: an analysis of the Next Generation Science Standards, Science Education, 101(2).

Hufnagel, E., Kelly, G., and Henderson, J. (2018). How the environment is positioned in the Next Generation Science Standards: A critical discourse analysis. Environmental Education Research, 24(5).

Kamini, J. (2014). Assessing the validity of discourse analysis: transdisciplinary approaches. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 9(4).

Ohman, J. and Ohman, M. (2013). Participatory approach in practice: an analysis of student discussions about climate change. Environmental Education Research, 19(3).

Quintao, C. and Andrade, P. (2020). How to improve the validity and reliability of a case study approach. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(2). 

Sylvestre, P., McNeill, R., and Wright, T. (2013). From Talloires to Turin: A critical discourse analysis of declarations of sustainability in higher education. Sustainability, 5(4).

Tang, K., Tan, A., Mortimer, E. (2021). Multi-timescale, multi-modal and multi-perspectival aspects of discourse analysis in science education. Research in Science Education, 51.