

Please complete the pre-workshop survey by July 5 and before arrival at the workshop complete the Mapping your Career worksheet. Total time expected: less than 1 hour.

Monday: Your academic career goals

8:30 Welcome, introductions, and ice breaker

9:05 Mapping your career at different types of institutions

  • Reflection on pre-workshop career mapping activity
  • Institution Types
  • Panelist experiences
  • SWOT
  • Q & A

10:05 Break

10:15 What might your academic career trajectory include? Professional Development and Portfolio Development

10:45 Career Management (& planning next steps)

11:15 Introduction to the elevator pitch and Monday road check

11:30 Adjourn

Optional lunchtime discussion groups Walk over to the student union or other location with a group

Suggested afternoon sessions:

Tuesday: Getting that academic position

8:30 Introduction to the day

8:35 Elevator pitches: small group practice and debrief

9:05 Application process: Slides

9:35 Discussion of application process by job type -- Select your table:

  • Minte
  • Lisa
  • Lynsey
  • Brendan

10:05 Break

10:15 "Illegal" questions and negotiations - Slides

11:00 Making an action plan for your next step

11:15 Summary of the day and Tuesday Road Check

11:30 Adjourn

Optional lunchtime discussion groups TBA

Suggested for Tuesday afternoon:


  • 7-8:30pm Small group review of applications materials (bring laptop!) -- details TBA

Wednesday: Building your research and teaching skills

8:30 Introduction to the day

8:35 Pathways to Becoming an Effective Teacher

9:05 Pathways to becoming an effective teacher Discussion groups (select 1)

  • Minte
  • Lisa
  • Lynsey
  • Brendan

9:35 Panel Discussion: Moving your research forward - Building your research niche and lessons in flexibility

10:05 Break

10:15 Moving your research forward discussion groups (select 1 table to join):

  • Minte
  • Lisa
  • Lynsey
  • Brendan

10:45 Wrap-up and workshop evaluation

11:30 Adjourn

Wednesday afternoon

  • Group photo before lunch!
  • Consider taking a tour of CalTech's SeismoLab or JPL. Pre-registration required!

Thursday and Friday Suggestions

Thursday, Friday 8:30-11:30am:Getting the most out of your TA experience

Thursday afternoon

  • Mini-workshop: Geology of Southern California teaching resources
  • Or check out some of the contributed sessions! Talks are 1:30-4pm
  • Plenary: Vashan Wright 4:30-5:45pm 

Friday afternoon