Teaching Geo-Science to Future Science Teacher using the Micro-Spiral Method
12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET
Oral Session Part of
Oral Session III
Dr. Edith Davis, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
The Micro-Spiral approach helps strengthens institutional programmatic, support capacity for geoscience curricula targeting preservice and in-service teachers at HBCU's. Using the Micro-Spiral Method, has proven to be an effective tool toward increasing students test scores. This is a critical aspect for HBCU's toward broadening participation and expanding Geoscience Education programs. Geoscience education responds to the need for literate citizens who have an understanding of factors related to Earth Science issues, decisions and policies (Geological Society of America, 2012, Mosher et al.2014). Despite continued public/private efforts, there is a shortage of geoscientists for the future workforce. Few students take geoscience in middle or high school, which is the most viable place to instill interest in careers and contribute to the development of a scientifically literate society (Mosher et al. 2014). The climate and other related decisions that society will confront over the coming decades require both an informed and engaged public in the Geoscience (NRC). Currently, there is both a deficit in the number of teachers and scholars able to impart this knowledge, particularly among minorities, and African Americans who are the most underrepresented in geosciences (ACT 2015, Status of the Geoscience Workforce 2016, NCES 2017). The geoscience profession is one of the least diverse as a result of a low percentage of African Americans entering and persisting through relevant undergraduate programs (ACT 2015). The overall impact will be trained educators that can use the concept in teaching middle and high-school students key science skills that will ultimately improve their scores as well as provide an interest to pursue Geoscience careers.
Presentation Media
Teaching Geoscience to Future Educators Using the Micro Spiral Method (PowerPoint 5.9MB Jul10 20)
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