A Synthesis of Current Literature in Atmospheric Science Education

Wednesday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online
Poster Session Part of Posters


Peggy McNeal, Towson University
Wendilyn Flynn, University of Northern Colorado
Cody Kirkpatrick, Indiana University-Bloomington
Dawn Kopacz, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Daphne LaDue, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Lindsay Maudlin, North Carolina State University

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Teaching and learning about the atmosphere is an integral part of Earth science education, yet the atmosphere is distinctly different from the geosphere, especially as it deals primarily with complex fluid processes. Thus, approaches to the development and evaluation of atmospheric science teaching innovations as well as the development of research questions into learning atmospheric science target different skills and competencies. Recognizing this, atmospheric science education research (ASER) is growing as a unique subset of geoscience education research (GER) with a complementary, but distinct research agenda. Atmospheric science education has produced a sizable publication record and advancement of ASER relies on understanding this work. While publications of atmospheric science education projects are often published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) and the Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE), a significant portion of these projects are published in non-discipline specific journals making it difficult to characterize the breadth of existing ASER efforts. Therefore, to support ASER momentum and synthesize the field, we completed a literature review of published ASER literature specifically to describe existing work, document strengths and weaknesses, and identify gaps. We used the Geoscience Education Research Strength of Evidence Pyramid to develop a rubric, which we applied and used to analyze existing ASER literature. This presentation highlights our process, provides examples of ASER studies at each level of strength, and presents a framework for characterizing future ASER work.

Presentation Media

Synthesizing Current Literature in Atmospheric Science Education (Acrobat (PDF) 4MB Jul3 20)