The Center for Diverse Leadership in Science and Opportunities for a Consortium Towards Equity and Justice
Poster Session Part of

To cultivate increased diversity in the geosciences and environmental sciences, we are developing a program to recruit and support more diverse students, and connect them with better-trained faculty. Our goals are to build cultural awareness skills, support transformation of individuals as agents of change while mentoring and networking them, help build a STEM culture of inclusion and outreach, and to improve diversity and retention rates. In order to achieve our goals, we are developing an innovative and inter-connected integration of elements that leverages existing resources, framing, incentivizing, and targeting them to reach people who would likely otherwise not access them, in a way to optimize learning gains. This will allow us to increase and support a diverse pool of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, while training the faculty they interact with to be more inclusive and effective teachers and mentors.