8:30 Introductions and icebreaker. Who are we and from where do we get our labs?
9:00 Assume the role of a student in an introductory geoscience course. In "lab groups," work through one of two sample labs on the same topic.
- Report out: What is the experience like? How are you engaged - or not? Does this lab reflect how the underlying science is done?
9:45 Try out a second introductory lab.
- Report out: How does this lab experience compare to the previous one?
- How might students and instructors interact with this lab and each other during this?
10:15 Discussion of pre-workshop readings.
10:45 Presentation: A review of research associated with inquiry labs and their impact on engagement, learning, and interest.
11:20 Road Check
11:30 Adjourn for the day
Homework: Review the lab that you want to work on revising tomorrow.
8:30 Overview and address any road check comments. Groups will be organized based on the primary lab topic you want to work on.
8:40 Review Buck et al., 2008 inquiry rubric and apply it to one of Thursday's labs.
9:25 At tables, share a lab you want to improve and what your goals are for the activity
9:40 Apply the inquiry rubric to your own lab.
- Were there any activities that were difficult to categorize, or that you want a second opinion on?
10:25 Presentation: Re-designing a geologic time lab to be more inquiry-based.
- Supporting implementation of inquiry-based labs: possible challenges and ways to address them.
10:45 Work time: Revising your lab and creating a plan for the rest of the summer.
- Which labs are you changing? All? Some?
- If appropriate, how will you support others (e.g. teaching assistants) implement these labs?
11:15 Wrap up and workshop evaluation
11:30 Adjourn