Scientist-K12 Teacher Partnerships

Tuesday 3:00pm-4:15pm Burge Union Forum C/D
Round Table Discussion


Scientist-K12 teacher partnerships are mutually beneficial and occur in many ways. The AGU-NESTA Geophysical Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop held at the annual AGU meetings has proven to be a very successful model for providing high quality professional development to teachers. Presenters are required to have at least one scientist and one educator on their team. The goal of the GIFT workshop is to increase K12 teacher-participants' content knowledge as well as provide them with useful NGSS-congruent resources to take back to the classroom. Other scientist-K12 teacher partnerships have formed when geoscientists offer field experiences for teachers and continue to work with them after the field experience to develop teaching resources. This round table will provide an opportunity to discuss successful models. We invite those who have participated in scientist-K12 teacher partnerships to attend as well as those who are looking to form scientist-K12 teacher partnerships.