Lunchtime discussion with Dorothy Barnett on climate change and health

Thursday 12:15pm-1:15pm De Bruce Center
Round Table Discussion


Dorothy Barnett, Climate + Energy Project
Rachel Myslivy, Climate + Energy Project

Grab your lunch from the first floor options at the DeBruce center and join us for an informal discussion!

Based on the American Public Health Association's #climatechangeshealth project, Dorothy Barnett will use personal examples and stories to guide a discussion on how climate changes health and provide tools to help communicate about climate change and health.

Join us for this special Thursday afternoon roundtable discussion with our plenary speaker, Dorothy Barnett, and Assistant Director of the Climate + Energy Project, Rachel Myslivy, in the 3rd floor mezzanine of KU's DeBruce Center. Feel free to bring your lunch.

See Plenary Description

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