Science to benefit society: the role of the National Science Foundation
Oral Session Part of
Wednesday B: Research on Student Learning and Engagement in Geoscience Classrooms

The National Science Foundation is the only federal agency dedicated to supporting basic research. It carries out its mission "to promote the progress of science" with great economy: 94% of its budget goes to researchers and students in the form of awards. NSF-funded research has generated fundamental knowledge needed to address the nation's most pressing problems, and a large majority of U.S. citizens support government investments in basic science. In the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act (S.3084) passed in January 2017, Congress reaffirms the value of NSF's merit review system in ensuring that funded proposals are of high quality, advance scientific knowlege, and address societal needs through basic research findings or related activities.
This talk will present funding opportunities in the Division of Earth Sciences and current research initiatives that cross divisions and directorates at NSF. It will discuss some of the trends in Earth Sciences research awards in recent years and propose topics for discussion by Earth Sciences educators on how best to help prepare our students to succeed as our scientists of the future.
This talk will present funding opportunities in the Division of Earth Sciences and current research initiatives that cross divisions and directorates at NSF. It will discuss some of the trends in Earth Sciences research awards in recent years and propose topics for discussion by Earth Sciences educators on how best to help prepare our students to succeed as our scientists of the future.