JGE GER Theme Issue Preview and Author Discussions
Mini-presentations from manuscript authors on the nature and findings of their in-progress studies followed by discussion.
All Author Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.2MB Jul20 16)
Background: Description of the Theme Issue
Synthesizing Results and Defining Future Directions of Geoscience Education Research
Objective: To compile a collection of articles that describes the evolution, current status, and future directions of Geoscience Education Research (GER), with a focus on undergraduate education and the community of practice among GER workers.
Types of Papers and example topics that fit this theme are listed below:
Commentaries that are grounded in the literature and propose priorities for promoting and supporting the GER research community.
Curriculum & Instruction Papers on translating geoscience education research results into practice in multiple courses and/or institutions, or with diverse populations.
Research Papers describing methods and results of original geoscience education research of broad interest and impact.
Literature Review Articles
- that synthesize the evolution and state of knowledge on topical areas in GER, such as, but not limited to: geoscience conceptual understanding, developing geoscience expertise, problem solving, quantitative reasoning, temporal and spatial reasoning, use of models and visualizations, geoscience student affective domain and metacognition, geoscience habits of mind, geoscience student access and success, and geoscience professional development of college/university educators.
- that synthesize best practices for research methodologies, such as, but not limited to: how to measure student learning and student perceptions in various contexts.
- that synthesize the ways in which GER results have impacted society.
Manuscript Preparation and Submission: Potential authors submitted "letters of intent" in January 2016 indicating the type (e.g., literature review article) and topic of their intended paper. This allowed editors to gauge submission pressure and identify any potential overlap in literature review article topics. In areas were overlap existed, editors suggested ways for authors to either combine efforts or divide topics more narrowly. The manuscript submission deadline isAugust 31 2016 . For more information, including author instructions, go to http://nagt-jge.org/. All submitted manuscripts will need to meet author guidelines and JGE review criteria, and will be externally review. All papers submitted to the theme should be situated in a community-level model of GER http://nagt.org/nagt/profdev/workshops/geoed_research/pyramid.html.
Theme Issue Editors and Associate Editors:Kristen St. John, Editor-in-Chief, jge@jmu.edu; Heather Petcovic, Editor for C&I, heather.petcovic@wmich.edu; Alison Stokes, Editor for Research, alison.stokes@plymouth.ac.uk; Tony Feig, Associate Editor, feig1ad@cmich.edu; Karen McNeal, Associate Editor, ksmcneal@ncsu.edu.
Comments and Q&A from the Theme Issue Preview
- From JGE perspective, letters of intent have been a success. Have already generated some new collaborations.
- How will it be organized? Multiple volumes? Organized in chunks like it was tonight?
- Categories are in flux depending on what papers actually come in.
- If enough for multiple volumes, timing of submissions will help determine what goes when. Aug 17 prob the main issue. Other papers might be in May or Nov 17.
- Some synthesis and gap analysis going on editorially.
- TS Comment: from spatial journal it was really important to try and get everything into a single physical volume. (No data but believe that is was important to boost the impact of the special issue.)
- Geosphere has theme "issues" that run over multiple issues.