Initial Publication Date: July 11, 2011

Day 2Download, Stack, and Animate Images, Exploring Change Over Time

Analyze Change Over Time

ImageJ Change

You may have heard the phrase "The only constant is change." Well, this is certainly true of Earth. An eyes-in-the-sky perspective helps us better perceive, quantify, and interpret these changes. On Day 1, you were introduced to the idea of remote sensing, and the wealth of information it gives us about our home planet. You learned about programs designed to store, document, and distribute remote sensing data. These are incredible resources for learning about the world around us as well as worlds within and beyond us. You also began to use a public domain image processing program, ImageJ, to investigate these digital images. Today you will learn how to download and animate these images, exploring change over time.

Day 2 Goals

  • Become comfortable downloading images from NASA NEO.
  • Use ImageJ stacks to explore and analyze time-series data.
  • Generate ideas for using time-series data and image stacks in your classroom.

Day 2 Tasks

  1. Use NASA NEO to download a time-series set of satellite images that you can use in your teaching.
  2. Create and manipulate image stacks in ImageJ.
  3. Make a montage from a stack and a stack from a montage.
  4. Contribute to an online discussion about how you might use image stacks to teach change-related concepts or other processes to your students.