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Earth Analysis Techniques
Image Analysis Modules
Introduction to Image Analysis
Post Survey
Introduction to Image Analysis Post Survey
First Name:
Last Name:
So we can get a sense of what you learned from this workshop, use the numeric scale to rate your level of understanding and use of image analysis techniques in ImageJ. Some of the techniques described here were not taught in this advanced course, but may have been covered in last week's introductory course or you may have prior experience with them. Nonetheless, this workshop may have influenced those skills and techniques. Please rate all items.
Explain the characteristics of a digital image.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Work with basic ImageJ tools, menus, and windows.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Recognize and apply appropriate image file formats (e.g. tiff, jpeg, png).
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Use drawing and text tools to annotate a digital image.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Adjust the lookup table of a digital image.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Adjust the brightness and contrast of a digital image.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Apply basic image transformations such as scaling, cropping, and rotating.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Calibrate images for spatial and density measurements.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Measure distance and area on digital images.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Stack and animate time-series images to detect change over time.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Perform basic stack functions, such as adding and deleting slices, converting stacks to images, and creating stacks from images.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Interpret image statistics (e.g. histogram, mode, mean)
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Set threshold values to select a range of pixels in an image.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Select regions of interest in images.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Make and interpret profile plots.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Construct and deconstruct true and false color images.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Process images using mathematical operations, such as filtering and image math.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Create and work with image overlays.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Use plugins or macros to add new capabilities to ImageJ.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Apply image analysis techniques to images you create.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
So we can get a sense of what you learned from this workshop, use the numeric scale to rate your level of understanding and use of image analysis techniques in NASA Earth Observations (NEO). Some of the techniques described here were not taught in this advanced course, but may have been covered in last week's introductory course or you may have prior experience with them. Nonetheless, this workshop may have influenced those skills and techniques. Please rate all items.
Download satellite images from NEO.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Measure distances across NEO images.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Plot transects, select and compare regions of pixels, and calculate average pixel values.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Analyze image data using histograms.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Create scatter plots of image data.
1---I know nothing/am not able
2---I am aware but need assistance
3---I know it for my own use
4---I know it pretty well and could teach it to someone else if I had time to review
5---I could teach it to somebody else right now
Describe your overall experience with the course? What did you get out of it and how do you plan to use what you learned with students?
How did you hear about this opportunity?
In the future, would you like to be notified of other technology-based, professional development opportunities?
Yes. Please keep me informed of other opportunities.
No thank you. Please do not inform me of other opportunities.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
« Previous Page
Teach the Earth Portal
Earth Analysis Techniques
Image Analysis Modules
Introduction to Image Analysis
Create A SERC CMS Account
Meet Facilitators and Introduce Yourself
Test Web-Conferencing Software for Question and Answer Sessions
Question and Answer
Day 1—Use Images to Analyze Earth
Day 2—Download, Stack, and Animate Images, Exploring Change Over Time
Day 3—Quantify Observations by Calibrating and Measuring Images
Day 4—Use Multispectral Imaging Techniques to Examine Remote Sensed Images
Day 5—Apply Image Analysis Techniques to Investigate Research Questions
Post Survey
Advanced Image Analysis
Eyes on Satellite Data