Overall Evaluation
Our evaluation focused on understanding how our programs work and at some level testing our logic model. We used a mixed method approach that included interviews, surveys, and observations. The evaluation plan addressed four major effort domains of the project:
- Student - Faculty Research
- Broadening access cohorts including a small matched cohort study
- Curriculum Development
- Faculty Development
Student-Faculty Research
The evaluation used a combination of observations, interviews, surveys, and web forms.
Customized URSSA Survey of Summer Research Students
Broadening Access
The evaluation plan for the Carleton broadening access cohorts uses a theory of change to examine and identify the strongest and most compelling evidence for the program impacts. This three pronged approach assumes that students will continue to seek scholarship and careers in science and math fields if they have academic success, confidence in their ability to pursue these fields, and comfort within the science and math communities.
Example Protocols:
- Fall 2012 FOCUS Cohort Check-inSurvey (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 42kB Oct8 12)
- Fall 2012 FOCUS Pre-Program Survey (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 23kB Oct8 12)
- Spring 2012 Science Fellows (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 36kB Oct8 12)
- Matched Cohort Interview Protocol (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 19kB Oct8 12)
Curriculum Development
The evaluation also linked together the project management, data collection, and dissemination through the use of web forms.
Series of example web pages on the development side of the website (must have login privileges):
Final products:
Example of the form for collecting information about the Equipment grants to faculty:
Faculty Development
End of Workshop Survey from Team-Based Learning Workshop (Microsoft Word 60kB Oct8 12)