This page acts as both a location for ongoing reporting about your project as well as a space where you can draft text that will appear in a public description of your activity at the completion of the project. Sections with blue titles will become part of this public description when your grant is complete. Text in these sections should be written for an audience of faculty outside Carleton in mind.

Implemented in Class to change the title use the 'Full Editing Tools' option on the right

John Q. Faculty, Department of Chemistry
This information was derived from your initial application. The goals and assessment sections should be updated as you move through the project.
CHEM 101: Introduction to Chemistry
150 Students per term

Project Description

This project relates to CISMI's Environmental Science theme.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et mauris tellus, non ornare libero. Aenean elit metus, ultricies eu convallis non, fermentum id lectus. Praesent vel augue risus. Cras nulla turpis, accumsan nec feugiat eget, ornare et nisl. Ut sodales porttitor convallis. Etiam ac ornare sapien. Maecenas et purus vel diam vestibulum varius at ut massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean sem turpis, feugiat eget accumsan nec, pellentesque sit amet nibh. Suspendisse vitae neque eu ipsum congue lobortis. Donec aliquet mollis arcu vel ultricies. Praesent facilisis tempus tellus vel varius. Donec vitae leo magna. Ut imperdiet magna eget orci consectetur sed feugiat ante lacinia. Nulla eget tincidunt risus.

Fusce fringilla, justo a tempor fermentum, erat lorem aliquam enim, non faucibus felis massa at nisi. Mauris eu justo mattis urna lobortis rhoncus ac et quam. Nullam consequat venenatis diam, a ultrices sem lobortis sit amet. Pellentesque aliquam erat sed leo tempor sollicitudin. Duis ipsum tortor, cursus vitae cursus ultrices, consectetur at nisi. Aliquam interdum diam eget massa auctor et egestas dolor vestibulum. Duis ipsum tortor, consectetur in lacinia eget, auctor in felis.


  • Donec vestibulum massa pulvinar nisi elementum rutrum.
  • Pellentesque vitae felis et arcu consectetur interdum id et mauris.
  • Sed fermentum turpis vitae diam faucibus egestas.
  • Morbi laoreet metus vitae dui consectetur quis varius mi scelerisque.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut mollis commodo lacinia. Sed accumsan massa id orci consequat sollicitudin. Maecenas feugiat adipiscing mi vitae semper. Morbi sodales augue vel velit facilisis consequat commodo sem tristique. Sed quis semper massa. Mauris sagittis consectetur orci at lacinia.
This section should be filled out each time a progress report is needed: editing and over-writing any existing text as appropriate. The Description and References field should initially be drafts.

Progress Report

I have implemented this stuff in class once and have a clue about how well it works in the real world. I have a list of things I want to update about the module to make it work better. Nulla tortor nibh, viverra ut bibendum hendrerit, sollicitudin ac eros. Praesent mattis convallis leo eget dapibus. Fusce porta augue consectetur eros malesuada porta in sagittis urna. Donec mollis turpis sit amet tortor ornare lacinia. Vivamus egestas nulla eget nunc varius eleifend. Nulla vel diam diam, eget porta nunc. Maecenas mollis facilisis elementum. Vestibulum et nibh non tortor mattis sollicitudin. Sed commodo gravida ligula, ac ornare ligula lobortis sed.

Description and Teaching Materials

Over the course of the set of activities, students will need to stuff with a bunch of things. Starting with the first thing, duis tincidunt feugiat massa ac blandit. Pellentesque lacus nibh, blandit et consectetur eu, hendrerit eget odio. Aenean id augue quis velit suscipit tincidunt vitae a dui. Ut et enim lectus, at auctor enim. Phasellus et nibh justo, et tristique tellus. Curabitur eleifend dui felis. Donec sed dictum nibh. Curabitur id sapien eleifend neque molestie imperdiet non vel dui. Pellentesque tincidunt odio vitae ante consequat porta. Nullam ac mi quis sem pharetra scelerisque accumsan et mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam rutrum cursus massa nec interdum. Donec sit amet mi id dolor lobortis molestie.

Draft Student Handout (Microsoft Word 39kB Apr12 11) that hasn't been tested in the real world yet.

References and Resources

  • Memyselfand, I. (2011). "You really should read this article." Journal of Important Topics, v 42, n 13, p 666.
  • Myadviso, R., and I. Memyselfand (2003). "This one is good too." International Proceedings of Necessary Research, v 1, n 1, p 1.
This section should be completed after you have used your materials in the classroom.

Lessons Learned

I learned that this stuff is actually really hard. I'd never have started it if I had know the sleepness nights I'd face over the course of the year's work I put into this. It's a year of my life that I'll never get back.

Context for Use

This set of activities was designed for a large section, introductory Chemistry class at Carleton College, a small liberal arts college. The class has an optional lab and is typically made up of Seniors trying to graduate.

Teaching Notes and Tips

If you want to implement this suite of activities in your classroom I would recommend:

  • Be sure to have those things you need on hand at the beginning of the term because it's hard to restock when you run out.
  • Assign the students to random groups each week. Keeps them on their toes.
  • Don't forget to make the TA's answer all the questions you don't know the answer to right off.


This is a much shorter description of what I am hoping to do with this project. It will fit nicely into the search returns and browse results windows when folks are looking for this kind of thing.