Curriculum Developer Reports

These pages present the status and progress of curriculum development efforts funded by CISMI's HHMI grants.

Results 1 - 6 of 6 matches

A First-Year Dyad in Human-Centered Computing
A service-learning based dyad consisting of two linked courses: one a first-year seminar in psychology, technology, and design; one an introduction to computer science. The course is designed to foster ...

Advanced Optics Lab Development
This activity contains two open-ended labs for an upper-level undergraduate optics course: an acousto-optics lab and a diffractive optics lab. Through these labs, students can explore how an acoustic wave can ...

Acquisition of Data Sets for Gravity Inversion Laboratories
We collected gravity data across two canyon-spanning bridges in the southwest, USA. These data were analyzed and modeled by students in Geophysics.

Broadening access through curricular changes to the BIO125 with problem solving course and the FOCUS colloquium
Genes, Evolution, and Development with Problem Solving course: Development of structured pre-class readings to allow more time for active learning activities in class; the pre-class readings are paired with ...

Creating Computer Control and Data-collection for the Chemistry Department Monochromator using LabVIEW
Students shine several different light-sources into a monochromator and collect the emission in a broad-band photomultiplier tube that is sensitive to visible light. Using the new protocol will allow students to ...

Adding climate modeling into ENTS 287, Climate Science
A variety of exercises to familiarize students with the EdGCM global circulation model have been developed. Students carry these out in groups and individually, and gives students the opportunity to explore ...