Initial Publication Date: October 27, 2008

Annotated Bibliography on Physical Models in Sedimentology

Review articles on physical modeling - general

Paola, C.P., 2000, Quantitative models of sedimentary basin filling, Sedimentology, Vol. 47, pp 121-178.
This article provides a solid rationale for the role that physical models can play in (a) calibrating numerical models of sedimentary basin filling and (b) developing insights into the controls on sedimentary basin architecture. It also provides a succinct summary of the history of both physical and quantitative models. The article ends with a specific example from the first (1996) experimental run in a prototype XES Basin and relates this experiment to quantitative models of basin filling.
Hooke, R.L., 1968, Model geology: prototype and laboratory streams: discussion: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, Vol. 79, p. 391–394.
Roger Hooke's early paper lays out one of the most clear rationales for why we use physical modeling in geomorphology (and, by extension, sedimentology and stratigraphy). This paper is short, intelligible, and makes a strong case against those that critique physical modeling based on alleged "scaling problems."

Peakall, J., Ashworth, P., and Best, J., 1996, Physical modelling in fluvial geomorphology: Principles, applications and unresolved issues, in: Rhoads, B.L., and Thorn, C.E., eds., The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology: Chichester, U.K., John Wiley & Sons, p. 221–253.
One might view this article as a more up-to-date and comprehensive version of Hooke's article.

Articles centered on specific XES-Basin experiments

Sheets, B.A.; Hickson, T.A., and Paola, C.P., 2002, Assembling the stratigraphic record: depositional patterns and time-scales in an experimental alluvial basin, Basin Research, Vol 14, pp 1-15.
Sheets et al. (2002) serves as a good example of how data from the XES Basin can be used to unravel issues surrounding sedimentary basin filling, particularly the geological and geomorphological timescales that are significant in determining the stratal architecture of a sedimentary basin. The article links surface geomorphological data from the 1999 XES run to specific aspects of the alluvial architecture.
Hickson, T.A.; Sheets, B.A.; Paola, C.P.; and Kelberer, M., 2005, Experimental test of tectonic controls on three-dimensional alluvial facies architecture, Journal of sedimentary research, Vol. 75, pp 694-706.
Like Sheets et al. (2002) this article uses data from the 1999 XES Basin experiment to quantitatively test so-called Leeder, Allen, Bridge (LAB) models that predict the behavior of alluvial channels and their stratal signatures under conditions of differential subsidence. It is a good example of how XES Basin data can be used to gain deeper insight into the controls on stratal architecture, particularly focusing on the effects of changes in both subsidence geometry and subsidence rate. It also demonstrates the fundamental linkage between geomorphic process and alluvial architecture.
Kim, W., Paola, C., Voller, V.R., and Swenson , J.B., 2006, Experimental measure of the relative importance of controls on shoreline migration, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol. 76, doi:10.2110/jsr.2006.019.
This article explores the results of the XES Basin experiment that forms the basis for the exercise provided here (the effects of slow versus fast base level changes and superimposed base level cycles). It focuses on the controls on shoreline position in the stratigraphic record and makes firm link between physical and numerical modeling.

General articles and sources on facies, facies models, and sequence stratigraphy

Walker, R.G. and James, N.P., 1992, Facies Models: response to sea level change, Geological Association of Canada, 454 p.
This classic text provides an excellent resource for students when they are trying to compile facies models for the XES Basin project example that I have compiled here. It also provides a solid grounding in the fundamental controls on sedimentary basin filling, the facies concept, and depositional systems.
Van Wagoner, J.C.; Mitchum, R.M.; Campion, K.M.; and Rahmanian, V.D., 1990, Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy in well logs, cores, and outcrops: concepts for high-resolution correlation of time and facies, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Methods in Exploration Series, No. 7, Tulsa, OK, 55 p.
This short book is, to me, the most succinct and clear explication of sequence stratigraphic principles and concepts that's out there (others will certainly disagree). However, I feel that it is one of the fundamental sources on sequence stratigraphy and should be used as the definitive source with respect to terminology, fundamental concepts, and the utility of sequence stratigraphy in stratigraphic correlation.

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