Internet Collection
This is a collection of useful web sites for teaching public policy in the earth sciences. If you know of web sites, journal articles or other references that are useful for teaching and learning about public policy issues, let us know about them.Subject: Environmental Science
- 11 matches General/Other
- Air Quality 24 matches
- Ecosystems 45 matches
- Energy 40 matches sources, supply, reserves, uses
- Forest Resources 11 matches
- Water Quality and Quantity 55 matches including water resource management, water quality and water treatment
- Global Change and Climate 35 matches
- Waste 45 matches
- Mineral Resources 19 matches includes precious metals, base metals, industrial minerals, aggregate
- Soils and Agriculture 16 matches
- Oceans and Coastal Resources 14 matches
- Land Use and Planning 24 matches planning, zoning, sprawl issues, urban heat island
- Human Population 10 matches
- Sustainability 25 matches
- Natural Hazards 7 matches
- Policy 190 matches
Subject: Environmental Science
- 11 matches General/Other
- Air Quality 24 matches
- Ecosystems 45 matches
- Energy 40 matches sources, supply, reserves, uses
- Forest Resources 11 matches
- Water Quality and Quantity 55 matches including water resource management, water quality and water treatment
- Global Change and Climate 35 matches
- Waste 45 matches
- Mineral Resources 19 matches includes precious metals, base metals, industrial minerals, aggregate
- Soils and Agriculture 16 matches
- Oceans and Coastal Resources 14 matches
- Land Use and Planning 24 matches planning, zoning, sprawl issues, urban heat island
- Human Population 10 matches
- Sustainability 25 matches
- Natural Hazards 7 matches
- Policy 190 matches
Results 1 - 20 of 191 matches
Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters part of CLEAN Collection
This set of interactive data visualizations show the weather and climate events that have had the greatest economic impact on the US from 1980 to present (updated annually).Learn more about this review process.
The Big Melt part of CLEAN Collection
This is a collection of five short videos that show how climate change is affecting fishing, native populations and access for the oil and gas industry in the Arctic. The videos include personal ...Learn more about this review process.
Climate Change at the Doorstep part of CLEAN Collection
This PBS video focuses on sea level rise in Norfolk, Virginia and how the residents are managing the logistical, financial and political implications. Science journalists who have been studying ...Learn more about this review process.
Changing Planet: Ocean Acidification part of CLEAN Collection
This video addresses acidification of the ocean and the ecological and economic implications of the resulting pH change on marine life. It includes information about how ocean acidification resulting ...Learn more about this review process.
Inuit Observations of Climate Change part of CLEAN Collection
This video features changes in the land, sea, and animals that are being observed by the residents of Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada — many of whom hunt, trap, and fish—because of ...Learn more about this review process.
Northwest Passage part of CLEAN Collection
In this activity, students use Google Earth and information from several websites to investigate some of the consequences of climate change in polar regions, including the shrinking of the ice cap at ...Learn more about this review process.
Melting Ice part of CLEAN Collection
This activity uses a mix of multimedia resources and hands-on activities to support a storyline of investigation into melting sea and land ice.Learn more about this review process.
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory part of SERC Print Resource Collection
This 274-page book focuses on education and the professional ethics that are dealt with by scientists, regulators, and practitioners of engineering geology related to the purposes, methods, ...
California Burning: A multimedia project part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This multimedia resource provides an overview of wildfire risk and response to the risk in California. Text, video, images, and data are used to discuss how drought and overgrowth of forests play a ...
Biomedical Ethics for Engineers part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Biomedical Ethics for Engineers provides biomedical engineers with a new set of tools and an understanding that the application of ethical measures will seldom reach consensus even among fellow ...
Expanding boundaries of exploration part of SERC Web Resource Collection
The appetite for mining beyond the confines of the land does not end with the deep ocean: celestial bodies, too, have stirred commercial interest. The prospect of mining the ocean floors and bodies ...
Transitions and Tipping Points in Complex Environmental Systems part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This report, by an NSF advisory committee, details many of the environmental challenges facing our planet and our society, and issues a call to action for NSF, for researchers, and for educators, to ...
Georgia Environmental Protection part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This homepage of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GEPD) presents information on how GEPD helps provide citizens of Georgia with clean air, clean water, healthy lives and productive land ...
Land Use: Past, Present, and Future part of SERC Web Resource Collection
In this laboratory activity students will gain an understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and be able to apply it to a (perhaps hypothetical) community project. In the process, ...
Land Use: Past, Present, and Future part of SERC Web Resource Collection
In this laboratory activity students will gain an understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and be able to apply it to a (perhaps hypothetical) community project. In the process, ...
Georgia Environmental Protection part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This homepage of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GEPD) presents information on how GEPD helps provide citizens of Georgia with clean air, clean water, healthy lives and productive land ...
Sustainable Development on Campus: Tools for Campus Decision Makers part of SERC Web Resource Collection
These tools will help decision makers at universities to learn more about sustainable development and "green" campuses. There are learning modules, case studies, action plans, environmental ...
Sustainable Development on Campus: Tools for Campus Decision Makers part of SERC Web Resource Collection
These tools will help decision makers at universities to learn more about sustainable development and "green" campuses. There are learning modules, case studies, action plans, environmental ...
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network part of SERC Web Resource Collection
The GREEN program provides ideas and information related to creating a watershed-based educational project and is geared toward taking action to protect watersheds. There are exercises and action ...
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network part of SERC Web Resource Collection
The GREEN program provides ideas and information related to creating a watershed-based educational project and is geared toward taking action to protect watersheds. There are exercises and action ...