The Lifestyle Project
Karin B. Kirk, John J. Thomas 2003 Journal of Geoscience Education Volume 51, Number 5, p. 496-499

This paper from the Journal of Geoscience Education describes the Lifestyle Project. This project is an innovative way for students to learn about environmental alternatives by modifying their own lifestyles. It is a three-week challenge for students to reduce their impact on the environment by changing the way in which they live from day to day. This paper describes the project and how to use it in the classroom. A description of the project's six categories of conservation is provided (such as not driving cars, turning down the heat, eating efficiently and producing less garbage). The authors also describe assessment via student journals and share results from their experiences while teaching the project in their physical geology and environmental science courses.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values, Geography:Human/Cultural, Geoscience:Soils, Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Decision-Making, Environmental Science:Sustainability, Energy:Efficiency and Energy Conservation, Environmental Science:Waste:Waste Solid :Waste Reduction/Recycling, Environmental Science:Soils and Agriculture:Food Production and Distribution, Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity:Water Conservation
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Special Interest: Ethics, Sustainability
Research on Learning: Ways Of Learning:Active/Kinesthetic/Experiential
Theme: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Ethics and Environmental Justice, Energy, Public Policy, Sustainability, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Water, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Soil, Environmental Science