
This website for the Critical Ecoregions Program of the Sierra Club aims to offer a practical, long-term strategy to buttress the "web of life" on Earth. Region by region, the Sierra Club develops multifaceted plans for every major land and water system in the United States and Canada. The 21 ecoregions are: the Alaska Rainforest, American Southeast, Arctic, Atlantic Coast, Boreal Forest, Central Appalachia, Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, Great Lakes, Hawai'i, Hudson/James Bay, Mississippi Basin, Interior Highlands, North American Prairie, Northern Forest, Pacific Coast, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, Southern Appalachia, and Southwest Deserts. Tailored to the particular needs of each ecosystem, these 21 regional plans were developed to help achieve the Club's global vision: to restore the ecological health of the planet through concrete local action. Users can read about each of the 21 regions, the plans, and relevant legislation.

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Subject: Biology, Environmental Science:Ecosystems, Policy:Environmental Decision-Making, Biology:Ecology:Metabolism, Environmental Science:Policy:Local Policy
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Policy Resources, Opinion
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), General Public, College Upper (15-16)
Theme: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Public Policy, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science