Virtual fieldtrip on the Quaternary evolution of Rhodes Isl. (Greece).

Niki Evelpidou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Author Profile
Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2020


This virtual fieldtrip takes place on Rhodes Isl., Dodecanese, Greece. Rhodes is the largest island among the Dodecanese Archipelago in the southeastern Aegean Sea. Along with Kassos, Karpathos and Crete islands, the western part of Peloponnese and the Ionian island, they form the Hellenic Island Arc, located between the Volcanic Arc to the north and the Hellenic Trench to the south. The active tectonics has clearly affected the geomorphological features of Rhodes Island. Numerous features attest to the complex Quaternary evolution of the island, such as marine terraces, uplifted tidal notches, submerged quarries, which reveal that Rhodes is composed of small crustal blocks with each block being affected by a particular tectonic history.
This virtual fieldtrip focuses on the coastal evolution, relative sea level changes, tectonic history and palaeoseismicity of Rhodes Isl., allowing students to better understand the complex interactions of sea level, tectonics, and coastal processes.

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This field activity is addressed to Master students, who have a basic background in geology, geomorphology or physical geography.

Skills and concepts that students must have mastered

Students should have a basic understanding of coastal geomorphological processes, be familiar with Quaternary geology and tectonics.

How the activity is situated in the course

This field trip is a stand-alone activity, which can be implemented within the context of a course or within a training school dealing with similar topics.

Activity Length

The duration of this activity is approximately 4 days.


Content/concepts goals for this activity

The goal of this activity is for students to broaden their knowledge and experience on topics of coastal geomorphologic evolution and morphotectonics, by educating them on Quaternary sea level indicators, palaeoseismicity and tectonics.

Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity

After the completion of this activity students should have a better understanding on how tectonics and sea level changes has shaped the coastal landscape of tectonically active areas. Students will acquire skills on analyzing coastal field data, interpreting coastal features in relation to the tectonic regime of an area, identifying and interpreting morphotectonic coastal features.

Other skills goals for this activity

  • Teamwork
  • Health and safety as it involves walking at rough terrain and climbing

Description and Teaching Materials

This activity includes a virtual fieldtrip through Google Earth and a corresponding guide, which can be used in combination so that students are better acquainted with the study sites and have a better understanding of the geomorphological evolution of Rhodes Isl.

To visit our virtual fieldtrip, follow this link.

To view and download the detailed fieldtrip guide, click here

Technology Needs

No particular technology is necessary for this activity.


The assessment of students is commonly achieved through a brief presentation by each student discussing the visited sites and the interpretation of the sites' evolution.

References and Resources

Fieldtrip guide for Rhodes Isl., which has been developed in the framework of the post-Conference fieldtrip of the IAG Regional Conference 2019 "Geomorphology of Climatically and Tectonically sensitive areas"

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