Course Descriptions
Resource Type: Course Information
Learning Outcomes
Capstone Field Experience
Results 1 - 10 of 14 matches
Geoscience Field Issues Using High-Resolution Topography to Understand Earth Surface Processes
Sharon Bywater-Reyes, University of Northern Colorado; Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
The objective of the course is to train students in manual and remote sensing methods of topographic data collection, including 1) GPS/GNSS surveys, 2) structure from motion (SfM), and 3) ground-based (terrestrial ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Course Information
Gorge to Shore - Columbia River Gorge and the Oregon Coast to Northern California
Jennifer Thomson, Eastern Washington University
Drs. Jenny Thomson and John Buchanan, Department of Geology, 130 Science Building, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004 509 359-2286; Drs. Suzanne Schwab and Robin O'Quinn, Department of Biology, ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Course Information, Activities:Field Activity, Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity:Field trip
Battle of Lava and Life: Crater Lake National Park and Newberry Volcanic National Monument
Drs. Jenny Thomson and John Buchanan, Department of Geology, 130 Science Building, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004 (509) 359-2286; Drs. Suzanne Schwab and Robin O'Quinn, Department of Biology, ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Course Information, Activities:Field Activity, Field Activity:Field trip , Field camp
Sage to Sea - Columbia Plateau, across the North Cascades and to Whidbey Island WA
Jennifer Thomson, Eastern Washington University
Drs. Jenny Thomson and John Buchanan, Department of Geology, 130 Science Building, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004 509 359-2286; Drs. Suzanne Schwab and Robin O'Quinn, Department of Biology, ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Activities:Field Activity, Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity:Field trip , Course Information
Geology of National Parks: a survey of introductory geology taught as a 4-week field trip
Linda L. Davis Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Intended Audience: This trip is designed as a general studies course for those without any background in science. Yet, it welcomes science majors. Freshmen to ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Course Information, Activities:Field Activity, Field Activity:Field laboratories, Field trip
A Theme Based Field Course on the Geology of New York
Dr. Joe Reese and Dr. Eric Straffin Department of Geosciences Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Edinboro, PA 16444 phone numbers: 814-732-2814 / 1573. Intended Audience: teachers, science education students, and ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Course Information, Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity:Field trip
James Madison University Ireland Field Course
Steven J. Whitmeyer and L. Scott Eaton James Madison University, Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science Course URL: Course Type: Field ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Activities:Field Activity:Research experiences for students, Course Information, Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity
Field and Laboratory Studies of Coastal Processes
Dr. William Slattery Wright State University Intended Audience: In-service and Pre-service K12 teachers Location: Coastal New Jersey Show Daily Intinerary Hide Show Suggestions for Modification Hide ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Course Information, Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity:Field trip , Activities:Field Activity
Geology of the central and southern Adirondack Mountains, New York: research field camp
Dr. David W. Valentino, Department of Earth Sciences, State University of New York at Oswego Dr. Jeffrey R. Chiarenzelli, Department of Geology, St. Lawrence University Intended Audience: This field program is ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Course Information, Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity, Field Activity:Field camp
Dr. Joe Elkins and Nikki Elkins Bowling Green State University Intended Audience: Undergraduate students in any major Itinerary: There is a sample trip itinerary on the program website. Location: Starting and ...
Resource Type: Course Information: Activities:Field Activity:Research experiences for students, Course Information, Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity