One thing I'm thinking of is adding a photo-based capstone project to my Hazards and Disasters class. This is totally off the top of my head, but I'm thinking I'd have them take a picture of a building of their choice (their own home, another home, a larger building, etc.) and then photograph and analyze the hazards that could potentially affect the building. Maybe the building could be flooded by a nearby stream, or perhaps it's built on an unstable hillside, or maybe there's an expansive soils problem. Then they could propose ways to mitigate the hazard.
Another thought is that they could take photos of a certain type of engineered structure (dams, jetties, retaining walls, etc.) in different situations and analyze why the structure was needed there, and what positive and negative effects the structure has.
Still thinking this one through, and also thinking of how much writing would need to be done.
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