Introduction to Geology
Sheila Roberts
, Bowling Green State University
The earth; physical and historical geology; including economic, social and environmental aspects. Not open to geology majors and minors. Credit allowed for no more than one: GEOL 1000, GEOL 1010, GEOL 1040. Applicable to the BG Perspective (general education) natural sciences requirement. Approved for online delivery.
Institution Type
University with graduate programs, primarily masters programs
Course Size
Grade Level
College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
Course Context
This is an introductory physical/historical geology course with no lab and no prerequisites. It does not serve as a prerequisite for other courses. Almost all students take the course to satisfy a gen ed requirement. The course is offered both face-to-face and online.
Course Content
- Module 1: Earth Materials
- Module 2: Subsurface processes
- Module 3: Surficial processes
- Module 4: Introduction to historical geology
The content is basically the same in the face-to-face and online sections I teach.
Course Goals
- Understand the basic principles of physical and historical geology
- Understand the theory of plate tectonics
- Understand surficial processes and the impact of human activities on surficial processes
- Understand the theory of evolution
- Understand the history of life on Earth
Yes. Discussions are related to the couse material (e.g. glaciers as a water supply in the surface processes module).
Assessment is based on
- quiz and exam grades
- homework assignments
- online discussions
- student evaluations of course/instructor with questions about the online environment
Teaching Notes
Adaptations have been made that allow this course to be successful in an online environment
Instead of in-class discussions, I have online discussions. My Powerpoint slides are also more complete because I do not talk about them.
The most successful elements of this course are:
The online discussions are effective for many of the students. As the course progresses, I can see the students are beginning to understand the concepts presented in class and how they apply to real problems.
Recommendations for faculty who teach a course like this:
Make it clear to students that the online course is not easier than a face-go-face course. Make deadlines for turning in work--I have found that a significant percentate of students put everything off until the last possible moment. If there were no deadlines, I fear they wouldn't do anything until the last week of the coruse.
Syllabus for GEOL 1000 (Acrobat (PDF) 59kB Jun21 10)
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, Fifth Edition, Monroe and Wicander
Other References
There are a number of online readings for students to read. Some are from the USGS website, some from the Ohio Geological Survey, some from the EPA, and some from online newspapers and journals.
Introduction to Geology --Discussion
I need an introductory Geosciences course to complete a requirement for an add-on to my teaching credential. GEOL 1000 seems like it fills the req.
When is this course offered online?
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Introduction to Geology --Discussion
I need an introductory Geosciences course to complete a requirement for an add-on to my teaching credential. GEOL 1000 seems like it fills the req.
When is this course offered online?
edittextuser=6146 post_id=18394 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=3564
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