Research Project for Mineralogy
The assignment allows for open ended exploration of a topic of interest in geosciences in which one or more mineral's chemistry and/or crystal structure is significant to understanding that geoscience problem. Students collect data throughout the quarter, and present their projects in a department-wide poster session
Undergraduate mineralogy
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
Developed throughout the project.
How the activity is situated in the course
This is a culminating project.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Synthesis of concepts and skills presented in mineralogy.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
- Analysis and synthesis of data and ideas.
- Critical evaluation of models and ideas.
Other skills goals for this activity
- Group work
- Poster and oral presentation
- Operation of analytical equipment.
Description of the activity/assignment
Students choose a project on an area of the geosciences in which one or more mineral's chemistry and/or crystal structure is significant to understanding that geoscience problem. They then study that mineral in detail in both hand sample and on the SEM, XRF, XRD, and/or in thin section. Students may provide your own sample or use a sample from the student collection. For practicality sake, the sample must be available and not so valuable or rare that we cannot let you use pieces of it for the project. Additionally, the mineral studied in detail must be significantly different than those they will be tested on for the final exam.
Determining whether students have met the goals
Scoring rubric for the poster, 1/3 from peer review of a first draft, 2/3 from the final presentation.
More information about assessment tools and techniques.Teaching materials and tips
- Activity Description/Assignment (Microsoft Word 46kB Jul16 09)
Other Materials
- evaluation of a "hallway" poster done a week before the first draft is due. (Acrobat (PDF) 69kB Sep29 09)