Initial Publication Date: October 15, 2008

Each participant in this workshop was asked to write a short essay introducing their work and thinking on the topic of metacognition. They have also been invited to share a teaching activity and/or a poster. Follow the links below to read these essays, see activities, or download posters. You may also download the complete set of essays (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB Nov19 08).


Jenefer Husman, Psychology in Education, Arizona State University
Kaatje Kraft, Physical Science Department, Mesa Community College
Essay: Teaching Metacognition: Preparing Students to Be Successful
Activity: Reflections on the Process of Science & Geoscience
Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Dave Mogk, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University
Essay: Thinking As a Geologist: Master-Novice Relations and Metacognition
Poster: Guided Discovery and Scoring Rubric for Petrographic Analysis of a Thin Section (PowerPoint 2.6MB Nov19 08)
Activity: Guided Discovery and Scoring Rubric for Petrographic Analysis of a Thin Section
Karl Wirth, Geology Department & Center for Scholarship and Teaching, Macalester College
Essay: Learning About Thinking and Thinking About Learning
Activity: Reading Reflections

Invited Speakers

Saundra McGuire, Louisiana State University
Essay: Teaching Metacognitive Strategies
Activity: Count the Vowels
Shirley Yu, University of Houston


Carol Ormand, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Linda Goozen, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

Workshop Participants

Omowumi Alabi, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Essay: Role of Metacognition in Facilitating Conceptual Change Learning
Simon Brassell, Indiana University
Essay: Encouraging Students to Learn How to Learn
Christy Briles, Montana State University
Essay: Metacognitive Strategies for Teachers and Undergraduates in the Geosciences
Thomas Brown, Austin Community College
Essay: Metacognition and the Challenges of Teaching Geosciences in an Era of Fundamental Change
Linda Davis, Grand Valley State University
Essay: How Do I Study for Your Exams? Or, But, I Studied and Studied and Studied and Still I Didn't get a Good Grade on your Exam!
Annia Fayon, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Essay: Metacognition and Cultural Diversity
Poster: Engaging a Diverse Population in Science Through Introductory Geoscience Courses (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Nov20 08)
Miriam Fuhrman, Rock Solid Testing Services
Essay: Some Slightly Random Thoughts on Metacognition
David Gosselin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Essay: Laboratory Earth: Using Content Mastery Activities (CMAs) as a Mechanism for Integrating Cognitive and Metacognitive Skills to Enhance the Learning of Earth System Science
Poster: Using Content Mastery Activities to Integrate Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning (Acrobat (PDF) 491kB Nov19 08)
Ji-Sook Han, Arizona State University
Essay: Metacognition: Self-Awareness of Knowledge Construction Process
Sister Gertrude Hennessey
Essay: A Case Study of a Student's Reflective Thoughts: A Vision for Practice
Mary Anne Holmes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Essay: Brain Development and Long-Term Memory
Julia Johnston, Mississippi State University
Essay: Mississippi Learning: Personal Experience with Metacognition with Different Student Populations
Francis Jones, University of British Columbia
Essay: Metacognition and Team Based Learning
Poster: Improving Metacognitive Skills of 2nd year Environmental Science Students: What to Measure? (Acrobat (PDF) 4.6MB Nov18 08)
(Related links: the UBC environmental sciences program * the UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences Science Education Initiative)
Helen King, Helen King Consultancy
Essay: Experiential Learning and the Power of Reflection
Poster: Researching Threshold Concepts: Ways of Thinking and Practising in Geoscience (Acrobat (PDF) 178kB Nov4 08)
(Related link:
Zubeyde Demet Kirbulut, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Essay: The Effect of Metaconceptual Teaching Activities on Students' Understanding of Liquids and Solids and Self-Effıcacy Toward Chemistry
Nicole LaDue, National Science Foundation
Essay: Encouraging Metacognition in the K-12 Environment
Peter Lea, Bowdoin College
Essay: Metacognition and Cognitive Load in Teaching Sedimentary Geology
Matthew Ludwig, Western Michigan University
Essay: Assessment for Learning
Martha Mamo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Essay: How to Think not What to Think
Jim McDougall, Tacoma Community College
Essay: Reflections and Self-Awareness of Learning Styles
Jason McGraw, College of Lake County
Essay: Effective Learning in Earth Science
James Myers, University of Wyoming
Essay: Preparing Citizens: Examining the Role of Metacognition in Promoting Life-long Learning
Ronald Narode, Portland State University
Essay: Metacognitive Variables, Problems, and Solutions
Activity: Metacognition Training through Think-Aloud Pair Problem Solving [TAPPS]: Two Lessons about Rivers
Suzanne O'Connell, Wesleyan University
John Ottenhoff, Associated Colleges of the Midwest
Essay: Thinking about Metacognition
Dexter Perkins, University of North Dakota
Essay: Metacognition: Thinking about Thinking and Learning
Activity: Reflection After Exam #1
Erin Peters, George Mason University
Essay: Using Self-Regulation to Develop Metacognition of the Scientific Enterprise
Poster The Role of Self-Regulation in Developing Metacognition of the Nature of Science in 8th Grade Students (Acrobat (PDF) 200kB Nov7 08)
Activity: Metacognitive Prompting Intervention - Science
Activity: GO Inquire System
William I. Rose, Michigan Technological University
Essay: Thoughts on Metacognition
Poster: Testing the critical potential role of earth system science classes for STEM success in middle and high schools: A new NSF MSP effort (Acrobat (PDF) 4.4MB Nov18 08)
(Related link:
Sandra Rutherford, Eastern Michigan University
Essay: Researching Transfer of Knowledge with Elementary Pre‐service Teachers
Jeanette Sablock, Salem State College
Essay: Metacognition Essay
Poster: Just in Time Teaching in an Introductory Geology Course (Acrobat (PDF) 299kB Nov7 08)
(Related link:
Perry Samson, University of Michigan
Essay: Metacognition for the Rest of Us (Acrobat (PDF) 467kB Nov19 08)
Poster: Embedding Metacognition into Web-Based Learning Object (Acrobat (PDF) 2.6MB Nov19 08)
Duncan Sibley, Michigan State University
Essay: Reasoning and Learning with Analogies: Making Metacognition "Natural"
Activity: Drawing Analogies
Laura Wenk, Hampshire College
Essay: Teaching for Intentional Learning: How learning goals, learning skills, and feedback affect learning
Merry Wilson, Scottsdale Community College
Essay: Metacognition During Discourse