The program consists of several synchronous sessions with time in between for work in small groups asynchronously. We will add instructions and links to discussion threads as we proceed.
Monday, March 10 Vision and goals
11:00 am PDT | 12:00 pm MDT | 1:00 pm CDT | 2:00 pm EDT
1.5 hours synchronous time
- Welcome, workshop goals, and common threads (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 10.2MB Mar9 14) - Anne Egger
- The Changing National Landscape of STEM Education (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.4MB Mar10 14) - Jay Labov, Senior Advisor for Education and Communication for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Research Council (NRC)
- Small-group discussion: What are the local features of this national landscape? How does the changing national landscape affect introductory geoscience courses? What can we do to be on the leading edge of these changes?
- Group 1: 2YC
Fred Marton, Timothy Kerr, Deron Carter - Group 2: CWU
Walter Szeliga, Nick Zentner, Keegan Fengler, Audrey Huerta - Group 3: SFSU
Petra Dekens, Leonard Sklar, Jason Gurdak, Dave Dempsey, Alexander Stine - Group 4: Research - Southeast
Laurie Duncan, Sharon Browning, Kristine DeLong, Jill Trepanier, Christy Visaggi - Group 5: Research - West
Anne Egger, Christina Belanger, Kelsey Bitting, Geoffrey Cook - Group 6: Regional Comprehensive
Rachel Teasdale, Ricky Becker, Joel Moore, Scott Johnston, Steve Mattox, Michael Guebert
- Group 1: 2YC
- For the next session:
- Perform a SWOT analysis on your intro course(s). Read more about SWOT, and then enter your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats onto your own page.
- Post to group discussion thread. (More details coming.)
Tuesday, March 11 Course structures
8:00 am PDT | 9:00 am MDT | 10:00 am CDT | 11:00 am EDT
1.5 hours synchronous time
- Exploring alternative structures for strengthening your introductory courses (1 hour)
- Very large, structured class (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.5MB Mar11 14) - Laurie Duncan, UT-Austin
- Partially "flipped" classroom (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4MB Mar11 14) - Rachel Teasdale, CSU-Chico
- Lab-lecture complete breakdown (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 811kB Mar11 14) - Mike Jackson, Physics, Central Washington University
- Structuring course content around societal issues (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.9MB Mar11 14) - Cynthia Fadem, Earlham College
- Online and massively online courses (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.4MB Mar11 14) - Jonathan Tomkin, University of Illinois
- Related Resources:
- Small-group discussions and follow-up discussion threads: speakers lead small group discussions about their structure, develop a list of best practices (0.5 hour)
1:00 pm PDT | 2:00 pm MDT | 3:00 pm CDT | 4:00 pm EDT
1 hour synchronous time
- Quick synthesis from discussion groups, presentation of best practices
- Making change happen on a broad scale - Panel of administrators and others involved in change
- Making Change Happen: a Parable (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 539kB Mar11 14) - Dave Dempsey, co-PI on NSF grant, San Francisco State University
- The 2YC Perspective (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Mar11 14) - Deron Carter, Co-chair of Physical Sciences department, Linn-Benton Community College
- Kelsey Bitting, Course Redesign Initiative post-doctoral scholar, University of Kansas
- The Administrative Perspective (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 361kB Mar11 14) - Kate Miller, Dean of the College of Geosciences, Texas A & M
- Related Resources:
- Screencast of all four presentations
- Info on NSF undergrad education grants
- The InTeGrate call for implementation programs
- For the next session: Identify allies and partners in making change, use your SWOT analysis to develop a plan.
Wednesday, March 12 Classroom techniques
Work with small group prior to workshop session.
1:00 pm PDT | 2:00 pm MDT | 3:00 pm CDT | 4:00 pm EDT
1.5 hours synchronous time
- Short presentations about effective classroom techniques for...
- ...using on-campus/local examples (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.5MB Mar12 14) - Michael Guebert, Taylor University-Upland
- ...involving students in discussions (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 530kB Mar12 14) - Christina Belanger, South Dakota School of Mines
- ...developing quantitative skills (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 981kB Mar12 14) - Sharon Browning, Baylor
- ...using in-class activities during lecture (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.5MB Mar12 14) - Elizabeth Malcolm, Virginia Wesleyan College
- ...using collaborative problem solving (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1MB Mar12 14) - Dave Dempsey, San Francisco State University
- Related Resources:
- In small groups, share plans for change and add ideas about specific classroom techniques
- Group 1: 2YC
Fred Marton, Timothy Kerr, Deron Carter - Group 2: CWU
Walter Szeliga, Nick Zentner, Keegan Fengler, Audrey Huerta - Group 3: SFSU
Petra Dekens, Leonard Sklar, Jason Gurdak, Dave Dempsey, Alexander Stine - Group 4: Research
Laurie Duncan, Kristine DeLong, Jill Trepanier, Christy Visaggi, Christina Belanger, Kelsey Bitting, Geoffrey Cook - Group 6: Regional Comprehensive
Rachel Teasdale, Ricky Becker, Joel Moore, Scott Johnston, Steve Mattox, Elizabeth Malcolm, Michael Guebert
- Group 1: 2YC
- Brief summary and charge for the next week
- For the next session: Make progress on your implementation plan, including adding a realistic timeline and targets to your plan and identifying areas where you need help. Complete this for the group by Monday morning, and look over others' plans and questions. Post to group discussion thread and complete the roadcheck.
Friday afternoon checkpoint
by 2:00 pm PDT | 3:00 pm MDT | 4:00 pm CDT | 5:00 pm EDT
- Update SWOT analysis and implementation plan with:
- Objective
- Data you need to collect
- Allies you need and strategies to bring them on board
- Potential collaborators and what they bring
- Your strategies for communicating with administrators
- Organize your questions and either:
- Meet as a small group to discuss them OR
- Post questions to group discussion thread OR
- Email questions to the listserv ( or to an individual
- Complete the Roadcheck
Continue to work on your implementation plan over the weekend, and give feedback to others.
Monday, March 17 Management strategies and implementation
Give feedback on implementation plans to others in your small group by the time we begin on Monday.
11:00 am PDT | 12:00 pm MDT | 1:00 pm CDT | 2:00 pm EDT
2 hours synchronous time
- Synthesis of progress and questions, identification of working groups around particular topics - Anne Egger
- Small group discussions around management strategies of relevance and interest; small groups produce documents with recommended strategies:
- Working with graduate and undergraduate student teaching assistants effectively - Anne Egger, Central Washington University
- Working with adjunct faculty effectively - Fred Marton, Bergen Community College
- Working with multiple tenure-track faculty teaching the same course - Joel Moore, Towson University
- Coordinating labs - Geoffrey Cook, UC-San Diego
- Coordinating with other departments (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 909kB Mar24 14) - Christy Visaggi, Georgia State University
- Related Resources:
- For the next session: Post to discussion threads: What resources do you need to move forward effectively? What are the important lessons learned that should be shared more broadly?
Tuesday, March 18 Next steps
Synthesis of discussion thread posted, review before start of synchronous session.
1:00 pm PDT | 2:00 pm MDT | 3:00 pm CDT | 4:00 pm EDT
1.5 hours synchronous time
- Sharing of resources - what is needed
- Short presentations of successful program changes
- Results of the EOS Science Education Initiative at UBC (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 907kB Mar18 14) - Sara Harris
- Developing a new set of courses for pre-service teachers at CWU (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.6MB Mar18 14) - Anne Egger
- Related Resources:
- Synthesis of important lessons learned and next steps
- Lessons Learned
- lots of great resources exist
- ideas on how to move my class towards a flipped format
- gained confidence in effecting change
- gained certainty that changes need to happen
- sense of where the community stands
- intuitive class we already have is good
- pull out the key aspects and codify them
- identify the things we have that are worth sharing
- retention and recruiting
- there is a community of faculty interested in teaching and learning
- confirmed that active learning is great
- there is a critical need to find out how students learn
- Next Steps
- looking at learning assistants
- share with colleagues
- start the conversation (brown bags and so forth)
- reach out to fellow participants (and NAGT!) about collaborations (resources, etc)
- building up the co-teaching structure, reach out to the dept and JSG
- think about topics that are relevant to students to boost retention and recruitment
- touch base with the excellence in teaching center, start the conversation
- ID the exercises and tools that will fit into my course/explore flipped format
- try to get more specific feedback from students
- disseminate the things we have that are already working (via SERC?)
- Lessons Learned
- End-of-workshop evaluation
The Changing National Landscape of STEM Education (Mar 10)
The opening presentation by Jay Labov, Senior Advisor for Education and Communication for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Research Council (NRC)
Exploring Alternative Structures for Strengthening Your Introductory Courses (Mar 11):
This screencast is of all five presentations on exploring alternative structures.
Making Change Happen on a Large Scale (Mar 11):
This screencast is of all four presentations on making change happen.
Effective Classroom Techniques (Mar 12):
This screencast is of all five presentations on effective classroom techniques for engaging students and improving courses.
Summaries (Mar 17):
Discussion group synthesis of progress, suggestions and resources:
Discussion group summaries of management strategies and best practices:
Successful Program Changes (Mar 18):
Sara Harris: The Earth & Ocean Sciences Science Education Initiative at the University of British Columbia
Anne Egger: Developing a set of introductory science courses for pre-service teachers at Central Washington University