Math Review

Kallina Dunkle, Austin Peay State University

Author Profile
Initial Publication Date: June 6, 2013


This is designed as an introductory lab for hydrogeology or other upper-level courses that are quantitative in nature in order to review key mathematical concepts that will be used throughout the semester.

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undergraduate required course in hydrogeology

Skills and concepts that students must have mastered


How the activity is situated in the course

first lab of the semester


Content/concepts goals for this activity

Review the concepts of scientific notation, dimensional analysis, significant figures, fractional exponents, average, proportions, cross-sectional area, and log scales/graphing.

Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity

evaluating differences between geometric and arithmetic means

Other skills goals for this activity


Description and Teaching Materials

The introduction is designed to go over (with examples) at the beginning of lab. I only hand out the introduction intially, to ensure the students pay attention and inform them this will be a good reference for the remainder of the semester. Then I hand out the assignment, which I make due at the end of lab so they can practice the concepts we just discussed.

Introduction & Assignment for Math Review (Acrobat (PDF) 145kB Apr29 13)

Teaching Notes and Tips


I grade the assignment and also make note of how long it took each student to complete it as they turn it in.

References and Resources