Initial Publication Date: June 8, 2013

Suggested Readings List

These articles and readings were suggested by leaders and participants at the workshop as being useful either for students to read directly or as reference material for teaching about hydrogeology, soils, and low-temperature geochemistry.


Every issue of Elements contains peer-reviewed articles that explore a theme of broad and current interest in the mineral sciences. The articles are well-referenced, well-written. With some preparation and guidance, students find these articles accessible, particularly in courses for majors.

2012 (

  • Urban Geochemistry (December 2012)
  • Fukushima Daiichi (June 2012)
  • Minerals, Microbes, & Remediation (April 2012)

2011 (

  • Mine Wastes (December 2011)
  • Iron in Earth Surface Systems (April 2011)

2010 (

  • Sustainable Soil Remediation (December 2010)
  • Thermodynamics of Earth Systems (October 2010)
  • Sulfur (April 2010)

2009 (

  • Metal Stable Isotopes: Signals in the Environment (December 2009)

2008 (

  • Phosphates in Global Sustainability (April 2008)

2007 (

  • The Critical Zone (October 2007)