Initial Publication Date: October 17, 2008

Alok Sahoo Sahoo
Center for Research on Environment and Water (CREW)
113 Julian Ct
Greenbelt, MD 20770

Hello.. I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at CREW after finsihing my PhD in Computational Sciences from George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. I have background in Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing and GIS, Global water cyle and climate change.

My research interests include Land surface hydrology, Global energy and water budget, Remote sensing, Data assimilation, Land surface modeling, Carbon assimilation, Ecohydrology, Atlantic hurricane and climate change, Hydrometeorology, Land use and land cover change.

My current projects include creating long term climatic data records for soil moisture and other water cycle variables, land surface model inter-comparison projects for carbon assimialtion/study over the North America and Amazon, Study of extreme events such as hurricane, drought and flooding.

My hobbies include dancing, tennis, bowling, boating, swimming, skating, cooking, long drives....

Atlantic Hurricane related Research: We have done some research studies to investigate the relationships between African dust aerosols and Atlantic hurricanes using data from multiple satellite sensors and in-situ observastions. The related research paper is submitted to a journal for review. Here is the reference for the paper:

  • Sun, D.; Kafatos, M.; Leptoukh, G. and Sahoo,A. K. (2008), Multi-sensor studies of the impacts of African dust aerosols on Atlantic hurricane activities, J. Applied Meteorology and Climatology,(submitted).