Google Maps snapshot of Haiti, showing Port au Prince Details

January 2010 Haiti Earthquake Visualizations

Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2011

Compiled by John McDaris, SERC.

Find still images, animations and graphics related to the Magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck the country of Haiti on January 12, 2010.

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Jump Down To: Maps of post-earthquake crisis | Other maps | Satellite and aerial photos | Other Resources

Earthquake intensity and destruction

M7.0 Haiti Earthquake and Aftershocks ( This site may be offline. ) This page from the US Geological Survey shows the aftershocks of the Haiti Earthquake plotted on a Google Map. The size of each place marker corresponds to the magnitude of each aftershock. Click each one for additional information. Additional USGS Haiti maps can be found

Earthquake Visualizations

1906 San Francisco Quake and Fire Visualizations

Plate Tectonic Movements

Haiti Population GRAPHIC Shows Impact Of Earthquake (more info) This graphic from the US Geologic Survey shows the intensity of the quake on a map of Haiti, with the population effected shown on each intensity zone.
USGS Shake Map: Haiti Region (more info)

Maps of post-earthquake crisis

Haiti Crisis Map (more info) This map from the Open Source Geospatial Foundation Telascience is a mashup of satellite, topographic, and political maps, which can be toggled as overlays. All maps are of Port au Prince area, Haiti.
Health Map - Focus on Haiti (more info) This map of the Port au Prince, powered by Google Maps, shows links to health-related stories as placemarks. A Feeds menu allows users to select which news sources to view on the map.

Other maps

Port au Prince, Haiti: Google Maps (more info) This Google Maps view is centered on the island of Hispanola, which is shared by the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The Capital of Haiti, Port au Prince, is flagged.
Caribbean plate tectonics (more info) This illustration available at Wikimedia Commons shows the plate tectonic setting in the Caribbean. Plate boundaries are color-coded by margin type and plate motions are noted with direction and magnitude in mm/yr.
Teachable Moments: Haiti Earthquake (more info) This page from IRIS includes links to resources about the geology of the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake. Included are animation/visualization links, USGS resources, and others.
NASA Imagery of Haiti ( This site may be offline. ) This page includes a collection of NASA images surrounding the Haiti Earthquake. Images include landslide risk maps, photos from the Terra Spacecraft, post-earthquake Port au Prince, Hispaniola topography map, anaglyph (3-D) map of southern Haiti, and 3-D topography of Port au Prince.

Satellite and aerial photos

Haiti Earthquake, Deforestation Heighten Landslide Risk (more info) This photo from National Geographic shows the difference in deforestation between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The accompanying article describes the increased risk of earthquake-related landslides such deforestation carries.
Digital Globe sample imagery gallery: Port au Prince, Haiti ( This site may be offline. ) This viewer presents imagery produced by Digital Globe of Haiti both before and after the earthquake on January 12, 2010. Users can select "before" imagery, select a particular day's views to see, or pick the most recent imagery which is automatically updated.
First Satellite Map of Haiti Earthquake ( This site may be offline. ) This page from the European Space Agency links to a high-resolution satellite photo of Port au Prince after the earthquake. Roads, airports, hospitals, and other major building locations are plotted on the map.

Other Resources

Haiti Earthquake Maps and Data - Google Earth Library ( This site may be offline. ) This page includes links to all kinds of spatial data on the Haiti earthquake. Along with a few Google Earth (kmz) files, links are also provided to general maps of Haiti as well as seismic maps. Additional Google Earth overlays showing post-earthquake damage can be found here
The 12 Jan. 2010 Haiti Earthquake and the Enriquillo-Plaintain Fault ( This site may be offline. ) This page from the Geological Society of America offers linked references to relevant published papers addressing the Caribbean plate and the Enriquillo-Plaintain fault line. The papers are available for open access.

GIS Imagery for Haiti Earthquake (more info) A collection of GIS map data compiled by Google Crisis Response, containing downloadable high-resolution images from several sources. More
USGS Caribbean Geologic GIS Data ( This site may be offline. ) This page from the US Geological Survey provides map data of Geology, Oil and Gas Fields, and Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region.
Haiti MapServer - GIS data (more info) This page from the University of Kansas provides links to GIS data from the Haiti Earthquake. The map is a georeferenced version of a 1994 Defense Mapping Agency 1:12,500 scale map of Port-au-Prince and surrounding area.

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