Course Descriptions

Results 1 - 20 of 55 matches

Coastal Processes, Hazards and Society
Tim Bralower, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus; diane maygarden, University of New Orleans; Sean Cornell, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
This blended and online course will provide students with a global perspective of coastal landscapes, the processes responsible for their formation, diversity, and change over time, as well as societal responses to ...

InTeGrate Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the InTeGrate curricular materials development process.
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Environmental Science and Policy
Mary Anne Carletta, Georgetown College
This is an upper level college course for environmental science and sometimes political science majors or others who are interested. It consists largely of class discussions of material from an environmental policy ...

Introduction to Volcanology
Erouscilla Joseph, University of the West Indies
The course will introduce students to Plate tectonics and volcanoes; including the processes that takes place at active volcanoes (eruptive mechanisms, effusive and explosive volcanism); methods and instrumentation ...

Natural Hazards and Disasters
Corrie Neighbors, University of California-Riverside
Natural Hazards and Disasters applies the basic principles of science to the recognition and analysis of natural hazards and the mitigation of related disasters. Students learn about the scientific causes and ...

Natural Hazards Planning
Rebekah Paci-Green, Western Washington University
This interdisciplinary course emphasizes creation of safer human settlements through application of hazard mitigation strategies in community planning, site selection and layout, infrastructure design, and building ...

Economics of Hazards & Disasters
Lorraine Motola, Metropolitan College of New York
This course, Economics of Hazards and Disasters, provides a comprehensive overview of the economic aspects of hazards and disasters through a review of the concepts, analytical tools and policies to aid emergency ...

Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado
This course is designed to help students gain a scientific understanding of the physical aspects of Earth's climate system and the factors that influence climate change. We explore the global balance of energy ...

Global Climate Change
Sarah Fortner, Carleton College
× Consequences of global climate change already include: increased drought, heat waves, flood intensity, glacial retreat, and sea level rise. Solutions are needed to reduce human impact on our climate system ...

Earthquake Investigation Workshop: Shake, Rattle, & Rock
Daniel Murray, University of Rhode Island
This 2.5 day workshop investigates provides MS & HS teachers with information about plate tectonics and earthquakes. It is geared to standards and Grade Span Expectations in Rhode Island. Over the next five ...

Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Ignacio Pujana, The University of Texas at Dallas
This is an interdisciplinary science course offered in an online format. A flexible approach based on programmed self-instruction, with frequent tests to monitor progress, substitutes for the usual lecture with ...

Andrew Moore, Earlham College
This is an introductory-level, lecture-based course, primarily for non-science majors fulfilling general education requirements. Students work in small groups to apply what they've learned in class to simple ...

Freshman Seminar: Geology and Human Health
Jeffrey Catalano, Washington University in St. Louis
This course explores the connections between human health and geological processes. It is taught through a series of case studies that first focus on the geological origin of a process that affects human health, ...

Plate Tectonics and Tectonic Hazards
John Creasy, Bates College
This is a topical course covering plate tectonics and associated hazards such as eartquakes, volcanic activity, and secondary hazards such as tsunami, landslides, etc. A companion topical course covers surficial ...

Environmental Geology
Kirsten Nicolaysen, Whitman College
This course serves both non-science majors and entering Geology and Environmental Studies majors.

Introduction to Emergency Management
Mark Kerrin, Edward Waters College
This course presents the theories, principles, and approaches to emergency management. An analysis of past disasters will be presented along with their impacts on policy formation leading up to the current FEMA ...

Extreme Weather
Perry Samson, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
This course provides an introduction to the physics of extreme weather events. We examine solar eruptions, ice ages, climate change, monsoons, El Niño, hurricanes, floods, droughts, heat waves, thunderstorms, ...

Course profile: Earth Hazards
Paul Bierman, University of Vermont
Paul Bierman, University of Vermont Entry level geologic hazards course, more than 150 students Information for this profile was provided by Paul Bierman in 2007. Information is also available on the course ...

Course profile: Quantitative Natural Hazards
Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr
Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr 200-level general science course, 16-30 students. Information for this profile was provided by Arlo Weil in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course Content * Connecting to the Future ...

Resources and Risks: Humans and the Physical Environment
This course draws upon the earth and environmental sciences to explore interactions between humans and the physical environment. Students use spatial and aspatial datasets (e.g., Google Earth, computer simulations, ...

Geologic Catastrophes
Carla Whittington, Highline Community College
This is an introductory-level lecture and activity based course focused on geologic hazards in the Pacific Northwest: earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. Students are required to access the ...