GEOL 3408 – Geographic Information Systems

Tim Walsh

Wayland Baptist University
Private four-year institution, primarily undergraduate


Course URL:
Course Size:

less than 15

Course Context:

This is an upper-division elective GIS course with a prerequisite of COSC2300 Computer Competency. The course has a required three-hour laboratory. Although an elective, it is highly recommended for all geology majors.

Course Goals:

1. Students should be to explain geographic data types and how they are referenced, cataloged and accessed.
2. Students should explain the differences in major types of GIS software, including which are appropriate for analysis of different kinds of data.
3. Students should be able to provide details of different methods of data acquisition and modeling.
4. Students should be able to be demonstrate their understanding of methods for maintaining geographic data and also techniques for user visualization
5. Students should be able to demonstrate methods of data extraction and analysis
6. Students should be able to describe various potential applications of GIS systems.
7. Students should be able to state or recognize problems in using GIS data, including types of error and issues of sensitivity

How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:

In general the course follows the sequence of goals, building on student knowledge throughout the course. Lab work is designed to provide students with practical experience in the design and implementation of GIS projects. They augment lecture/discussion sessions which are generally content driven. Assessment is primarily performed through tests, quizzes, lab reports and journal reporting/discussions.

Skills Goals

Students should improve skills in accessing and critically reading relevant GIS literature
Students should improve both student writing and oral communication skills.

How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:

Every two weeks students read instructor selected or individually selected journal articles. Oral or written reports (or both) are required for each, with class discussion normally following oral reports. Oral or written reports (or both) are required for some of the lab activities, which should include analysis of their final GIS products



Syllabus for Geographic Information Systems (Microsoft Word 26kB May17 10)

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