GIS Courses

Results 1 - 12 of 12 matches

Introduction to Geoinformatics part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Using an Earth System Approach:Earth System Science in a Nutshell:Example Courses
The aim of this course is to develop students' understanding, approach and technical skills in geospatial data acquisition, processing, analysis, management and visualization.

Course profile: Geographic Information Systems part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
Olivet Nazarene University Upper level course, 15 or fewer students Information for this profile was provided by Priscilla Skalac in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course Content * Connecting to the ...

Planetary Climate Change part of Process of Science:Courses
What are weather and climate, how has climate changed in the past, how do we know, what causes climate to change, and how can we predict future climate? Planetary Climate Change explores scientists' current ...

Energy and Your State part of Energy:Energy Courses
This is an idea for a course that provides a framework to examine the historical and contemporary uses of traditional and alternative energy sources in your state. The focus provides a more geologic context on ...

World Energy Systems part of Energy:Energy Courses
This is an idea for an interdisciplinary course examining energy systems, sustainability via multiple learning methods, including lecture, discussions, computer-based geospatial analysis, case studies, and field ...

Oil and Water (Geog 7) part of Energy:Energy Courses
Oil (energy) and water are two key strategic resources dominating the international scene and for which people have been and will continue to fight and go to war over. Energy and water play a major role in most of ...

Geomorphology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Course introduces surface processes to students through process-based lectures and discussion, laboratories and field excursions.

Geomorphology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Explores the shape of the land, and the various processes which are responsible for that shape.

Geomorphology part of Course Design:Goals Database
This is an upper division 3 credit lecture, 1 credit lab semester (15 week) course required for Environmental Science majors, and soon majors in the Alaska statewide geography program.

Conservation GIS part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course is designed to prepare conservation workers and scientists how to acquire, organize and manipulate geographic information using GIS technology.

Course profile: Geographic Information Systems part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
Olivet Nazarene University Upper level course, 15 or fewer students Information for this profile was provided by Priscilla Skalac in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course Content * Connecting to the ...

Spatial Analysis part of Course Design:Goals Database
The purpose of this course is to teach students various statistical methods as they apply to analysis of geographic phenomena.