Web-based Exercise #4: GIS Applications.

Justin Shepard, San Diego State University Geography Department


Introduce various GIS applications and usefulness in different specialty areas. The strength is that it provides an overview of GIS applications to students to get them thinking about the applicability and technology.


Type and level of course
This course will introduce fundamental concepts of geographic information science (GIScience), including geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), cartography, remote sensing, and spatial statistics. Advanced geospatial application tools, such as Google Earth, Google Map, iPhone Applications, and the National Geographic Map Machine will be used to demonstrate these concepts. Students will learn how to use these geospatial technologies and tools in addressing human and environmental problems. Students will learn how to organize geospatial data, visualize spatial patterns, and conduct basic spatial query and map overlay functions.

Geoscience background assumed in this assignment

GIS/remote sensing skills/background assumed in this assignment

Software required for this assignment/activity:
Web browser (suggest high speed Internet connection)

Time required for students to complete the assignment:
2 hours


GIS/remote sensing techniques students learn in this assignment
Students learn to view patterns, interpret attribute data, and search Web maps. The focus is to introduce the topics to new GIS students.

Other content/concepts goals for this activity

Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
By focusing on areas/neighborhoods that the students are familiar with it allows them to conceptually review what is on screen and compare it to their knowledge of a given area.

Description of the activity/assignment

This course will introduce fundamental concepts of geographic information science (GIScience), including geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), cartography, remote sensing, and spatial statistics. Advanced geospatial application tools, such as Google Earth, Google Map, iPhone Applications, and the National Geographic Map Machine will be used to demonstrate these concepts. Students will learn how to use these geospatial technologies and tools in addressing human and environmental problems. Students will learn how to organize geospatial data, visualize spatial patterns, and conduct basic spatial query and map overlay functions.

Determining whether students have met the goals

At the end of the assignment students are asked to complete a series of short answer questions. The evaluation is based on the completion of these questions.
More information about assessment tools and techniques.

URLs and References


Download teaching materials and tips

  • Activity Description/Assignment:
  • Instructors Notes:
  • Solution Set:

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Web-based Exercise #4: GIS Applications. -- Discussion  

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