Web-based Exercise #5: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis.

Initial Publication Date: August 6, 2010

Justin Shepard, San Diego State University Geography Department


This exercise will introduce several typical remote sensing analysis examples. Though this exercise, the students should be aware of the usefulness of remote sensing technologies in Geographic Information Systems.


Type and level of course
This is part of an entry level GIS course designed for students with no GIS experience and open to all majors.

Geoscience background assumed in this assignment

GIS/remote sensing skills/background assumed in this assignment

Software required for this assignment/activity:

Time required for students to complete the assignment:
1.5 hours


GIS/remote sensing techniques students learn in this assignment
They learn about overlays, visual exploration, filtering, and NDVI.

Other content/concepts goals for this activity

Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Students are introduced to concepts such as infrared and how wavelengths can be used for analysis.

Description of the activity/assignment

Students are prepared for this module through two class lectures that introduce the topics and methods used. Their task for the module is to complete the steps and answer the questions at then end. Some of the questions are factual (example, What is false color?) and some are personal (example, Which on-line analytical tool do you prefer most, which one least prefer? Why? What are the advantages and limitations of these toolkits - functions/user interfaces/data contents/others?). This mix of fact and preference encourages students to reflect on what they have learned.

Determining whether students have met the goals

Evaluations are based on the completion of the short answer questions at the end of the module.
More information about assessment tools and techniques.

URLs and References


Download teaching materials and tips

  • Activity Description/Assignment:
  • Instructors Notes:
  • Solution Set:

Other Materials

Web-based Exercise #5: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis. --Discussion  

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