ShareSemester GIS project
Jonathon Little, Monroe Community College
Student will use geospatial tools (WebGIS and/or ArcGIS 9.3) to create a total of 4 original maps that begin to provide a solution to a real world problem. Student projects will be assessed based on a rubric.
Type and level of course
Entry level GIS for college students.
Geoscience background assumed in this assignment
None required.
GIS/remote sensing skills/background assumed in this assignment
Students will apply the GIS skills they have learned in the first 10 weeks and apply some of the GIS techniques.
Software required for this assignment/activity:
ArcGIS 9.3 and/or AEJEE
Time required for students to complete the assignment:
On and off work for 8 months. There will be a period mid-way through the semester in which students are still working on learning new GIS tools as they plan their project.
GIS/remote sensing techniques students learn in this assignment
Obtain, organize, analyze, synthesis, represent, interpret, communicate, and evaluate data using GIS.
Other content/concepts goals for this activity
Demonstrate an understanding of how real world problems can be solved by GIS.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Obtain, organize, analyze, synthesis, represent, interpret, communicate, and evaluate data using GIS.
Demonstrate an understanding of how real world problems can be solved by GIS.
Description of the activity/assignment
Student will use geospatial tools (WebGIS and/or ArcGIS 9.3) to create a total of 4 original maps that begin to provide a solution to a real world environmental problem. The Project Problem Statement will guide the students project. Two of these maps may come from exercises if they are appropriate to answer the project problem statement. The project topics will be determined by the student from a list of topic options (e.g., climate, energy, agriculture, sustainable practices). Other topics may be approved at the discretion of the instructor. For example, a student may choose to create a map that will represent the various energy source option(s) in one region of the United States. All students will write a 2-3 page essay on their topic. References are required. Students essay and the 4 maps will be presented in various manners. Most students will use an electronic template and design their PowerPoint poster. With approval from the instructor, students can present their findings via a video (collaborate with video department), mural (collaborate with art department) or develop a Web page (Second Life or web page). Student projects may be highlighted at MCC functions (e.g., Sustainability Day, GIS Day, Scholars Day, and/or Earth Day). Some projects may continue each semester as new students take the course and begin where the last student left off. A sample project might describe the current climatic condition, recent climate changes, evaluate the various energy source option(s), and present an energy plan for the future in one region of the United States.Determining whether students have met the goals
Student projects will be assessed based on a rubric. Students may be asked to critique student project(s).More information about assessment tools and techniques.
URLs and References
Download teaching materials and tips
- Activity Description/Assignment: Project Rubric (Microsoft Word 78kB May27 10)
- Instructors Notes:
- Solution Set:
Other Materials
- Project Description (Microsoft Word 59kB Aug10 10)
- Poster Template (PowerPoint 107kB May27 10)
- Project Overview (PowerPoint 4.1MB May27 10)
- Project Sample (PowerPoint 2.2MB May27 10)
- Project Problem Statement (Microsoft Word 26kB May27 10)
Semester GIS project -- Discussion
I was hoping to get some ideas for a GIS project. Would anyone be willing to share ideas?
Thanks so much,