Geophysics Internet Resources

Results 1 - 10 of 237 matches

Earth Science Puzzles: Making Meaning From Data part of SERC Print Resource Collection
This book is a collection of data-rich activities for use in the high school earth science classroom. In addition, there is an introduction that places the exercises in the context of the critical ...

What is Geodesy? part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Overview of what traditional geodesy is, including descriptions of geoid, ellipsoid, datum, gravity, and GPS (global positioning system). Appropriate for high school or lower division college ...

GRACE: Tracking water from space part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This 7-minute video gives an overview of the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites and explains the technique of using gravity to measure mass movement such changing as ice and ...

Geodesy and Gravity Class Notes part of SERC Print Resource Collection
These are class notes for one of the three required geophysics courses in the University of Colorado geophysics program. Chapters include: observational techniques, physical geodesy, stress/strain ...

USGS Crustal Deformation Data part of SERC Web Resource Collection

The US Geological Survey maintains a variety of fault and volcano monitoring sites around the western United States. Instruments at these sites include strainmeters, creepmeters, tiltmeters, ...

The geoid and receiver measurements tutorial part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This web page explains how differences in the gravity at different places on Earth requires GPS receivers use additional corrections to find the true elevation of places on Earth's surface. The ...

Elevation correction and the geoid tutorial part of SERC Web Resource Collection

The Earth is not a perfect sphere, but is instead more like a slightly squashed sphere called an ellipsoid. Because of this, GPS receivers must use a correction model (called a geoid) to calculate ...

GPS data for educators part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Looking for interesting data to use in your course? UNAVCO has worked with educators and scientists to identify GPS stations that illustrate various Earth science processes. The data are the same ...

InSAR: What it is and why you should care part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Provides an overview of what Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is and how it is used to measure surface motion for a variety of geoscience fields. Based on an article originally ...

Allen McNamara's Educational and Research Images and Movies [of Mantle Convection] part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This page offers a collection of animations and images related to mantle plumes, mantle convection (2D and 3D), and thermochemical piles.

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