All times in Central Daylight Time unless otherwise noted. Additional information will be added to the Program as it becomes available.
Jump Down To: April 3 | April 10 | April 17 | April 24 | May 29
April 3:
Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 214.3MB Apr3 13) of the session.
12:00-12:10 PM Introductions and the Conferencing Software - Michael Wysession and John McDaris12:10-12:20 PM Overview of Seismic Tomography (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.7MB Apr9 13)
- Michael Wysession, Washington University - St. Louis
12:20-1:20 PM Presentation - "Making Models from Data: A Basic Overview of Parameter Estimation and Inverse Theory or Four Centuries of Linear Algebra in 10 Equations (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 564kB Apr3 13)"
- Rick Aster, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Mathlab solution for the simple exercise at the end of the talk ( 1kB Apr2 13)
1:20-1:50 PM Presentation - "Seismic Waveform Tomography (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.6MB Apr2 13)" (Keynote version ( 2kB Apr3 13))
- Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University
Movie: Reconstruction of the Western Mediterranean since the Oligocene; View other movies at Gideon Rosenbaum's University of Queensland
1:50-2:00 PM Wrap up and Looking Ahead
April 10:
Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 216.1MB Apr10 13) of the session.
12:00 - 1:00 PM Presentation - Imaging the Anelastic Earth (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 23.3MB Apr10 13)- Jesse Lawrence, Stanford University
1:00 - 2:00 PM Presentation - Global Mantle Tomography (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 28.9MB Apr10 13)
TAR File ( 20.3MB Apr10 13) Dr. Ritsema mentioned in his talk.
- Jeroen Ritsema, University of Michigan
April 17:
Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 1201.4MB May16 13) of the session.
12:00 - 12:30 PM Presentation - Demonstration of the Earth Model Collaboration tool kit- John Taber, IRIS
12:30 - 2:00 PM Presentation - Seismic Tomography: Mini Course (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 18.9MB Apr17 13)
- Suzan van der Lee, Northwestern University
April 24:
Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 1452.3MB May16 13) of the session.
12:00 - 1:00 PM Presentation - Introduction to Ambient Noise Tomography (PowerPoint 16.1MB Apr24 13)- Michael Ritzwoller, University of Colorado at Boulder
1:00 - 2:00 PM Presentation - Regional Body Wave Tomography (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.2MB Apr24 13)
- Lara Wagner, University of North Carolina
April 24 Supplement
There wasn't time on the 24th to have all three planned presentations. So Michael Wysession recorded a supplemental presentation on Developing an Effective Teaching Activity.
Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 28.8MB Apr26 13) of the supplemental session.
Download the presentation slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.6MB Apr24 13)
Between April 24 and May 22
Groups and individuals will spend this time developing new teaching activities, modules, and materials. More information on this process will be forthcoming.
May 22:
Session Cancelled
May 29:
Participants will present to the rest of the group on the results of their work in developing new teaching materials about Tomography that have come about because of the workshop.
- Erica Emry, Penn State University - Designing a Seismic Array (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 530kB May29 13)
- Activity Overview (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 117kB May29 13)
- Cristina Dimaté, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Surface wave tomography in Northwestern South America (PowerPoint 3.5MB May29 13)
- Jose Faustino Blanco Chia, Servicio Geologico Colombiano - Body Wave Travel Time Tomography (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.5MB May29 13)